Blue eyes or Endlers


Fish Herder
Tank of the Month 🏆
Pet of the Month 🎖️
Oct 6, 2019
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Hi all

Hope you’re all well?!

So I would like to add a few more fish to the main tank but I’m up in the air on whether to add some more pacific blue eyes or maybe a couple Endlers? I have around 10 blue eyes now which are just a beautiful fish and are only little. I do have one Endler that accidentally got into a bag when I purchased some shrimp months ago and he is just beautiful and also a bit of a ladies man. I am pretty much understocked now as I only have smaller fish in the tank as well as the bottom dwellers but only want to add a few more not a heap. What do you think?
I have guppies so he’s not alone. He is constantly showing the ladies love all the time :rolleyes: But he is beautiful and bright hence what is making me question
Yeah I’m thinking blue eyes.. I just love them. Such a beautiful looking fish especially when they are fantastic condition.
I am pretty sure my little endler is breeding with the guppy ladies anyway as he is always trying to give them endlers love constantly.. such a randy little guy! The blue eyes help with my population I must admit, they we eat the weak or deformed ones and that’s it. I think I might go some more blue eyes tbh
Maybe I get just 2-3 endlers also. The breeder that I got my ninja shrimp off has them for $2 each. They are bright and beautiful
Why don't you breed the blue-eyes to expand their group, and breed your guppies to expand their group. Then sell the offspring and buy more tanks?

To breed the rainbows, feed them 3-5 times a day for 2 weeks before breeding them. Separate males and females of 5 days. Then put male and females together in a tank with a heap of Java Moss and some Water Sprite. Leave them together for a few days or so and then move the adults out. Two weeks later you will have a heap of babies.
Why don't you breed the blue-eyes to expand their group, and breed your guppies to expand their group. Then sell the offspring and buy more tanks?

To breed the rainbows, feed them 3-5 times a day for 2 weeks before breeding them. Separate males and females of 5 days. Then put male and females together in a tank with a heap of Java Moss and some Water Sprite. Leave them together for a few days or so and then move the adults out. Two weeks later you will have a heap of babies.

Colin if I could have more tanks I would :sad: but I am going to try the breeding that you advised above for the blues. The guppies I don’t have to try and breed they are natural randy sods and are constant. The blue eyes I have never seen them breed at all. I have seen them come into breeding as the males get a bit boisterous with each other and their colours are amazing but that’s it. But I have also heard they eat their own eggs so maybe why I have never seen eggs
Guppies are like rabbits, when I first bought some I ended up with 7 females and one very lucky male. My fault for not checking, they were young almost fry and I just wanted some to put in a planted cycled tank. I ended up with over 100 fry and one happy male guppy. He never stopped chasing the females :wub: They are now in my RES turtle tank.
Guppies are like rabbits, when I first bought some I ended up with 7 females and one very lucky male. My fault for not checking, they were young almost fry and I just wanted some to put in a planted cycled tank. I ended up with over 100 fry and one happy male guppy. He never stopped chasing the females :wub: They are now in my RES turtle tank.

Yep what I have going on now. The boys are sharing their love with the girls constantly!! I got quite a few babies but not as many as I should as the blue eyes and probably the swords have a bit of a snack on them too. But I have a few
I wish my tetras would have fry like that. My tetras only had a few mostly red eyed tetra which had 14 fry over several months, My platy's had 13 fry the day after I bought them.
Colin if I could have more tanks I would :sad: but I am going to try the breeding that you advised above for the blues. The guppies I don’t have to try and breed they are natural randy sods and are constant. The blue eyes I have never seen them breed at all. I have seen them come into breeding as the males get a bit boisterous with each other and their colours are amazing but that’s it. But I have also heard they eat their own eggs so maybe why I have never seen eggs
Rainbows don't normally eat their eggs if they are well fed.

Most P. signifer lay eggs in the substrate but some lay in plants. If you move a gravel cleaner over the substrate and collect the water in a white bucket, you might be able to see eggs after the water settles. These can be put into a hatching tank and grown up.

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