Blue Dwarf Gourami At The Bottom Of The Tank


New Member
Jan 6, 2009
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I have a 60l tank which is fully cycled and the readings are 0. I have had 2 blue dwarf gourami's for a little over 2 weeks and they have seemed fine. I put 4 bronze cories and 3 male guppies in the tank the other day and now one of my gourami's is staying at the bottome of the tank, mostly in the log! Could he just be hiding from the new fish or could it be something more sinister?

Thanks in advance!

It could be sick or it could be stressed out from the other gourami. Male gouramis will argue with each other and sometimes the dominant one will bully the weaker one. If you have some floating plants in the tank it can help.
If the fish is eating then I would say it is stress, but if the fish has stopped eating then it could be a disease. In which case we need a picture or some more info on the fish before we can offer any advice as to what the problem is.
Male gouramis will argue with each other and sometimes the dominant one will bully the weaker one. If you have some floating plants in the tank it can help.
my two used to nip eachother but thier was no bullying lol but on a very sad not one died tday :(

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