Blue Dragon


New Member
Jan 27, 2003
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I have a new blue dragon in my tank. I got some general nfo from the pet store, but I can't seem to find much as far as books and websites go. I want to know f they are okay with dwarf frogs and any other useful tips. I am feeding sinking pellets right now, I wonder if there is anything better. I also have a ropfish and would appreciate any thoughts on them as well.
Well the 'Dragon Fish' you refer to usually means an Asian Arowana, although I very much doubt that this would be your fish! Are you sure it isn't a Dragon Goby

Dragon Goby

These, despite looking fearsome, are filter feeders, filtering insect larvae and other organisms out of the water through their gills. In the aquarium they enjoy frozen bloodworm and other small livefoods. As to water conditions it has been said they prefer a little aquarium salt in their tank, whilst others insist they're truly freshwater. Gadazobe has a few, PM her and ask how they're doing. Hopefully she'll post a reply..... Gadazobe, Gad, where are you? Yoo hoo... coo-ey! :D :p ;) :)
speak up a bit! lol cool looking critter! i saw some purple gobys in my lfs nice color! ( gonna do some checking on them)
I'm here I'm here. I have violet gobies - don't know if it's the same as blue ones, but what's a little colour difference between friends :D I keep them in my community tank. No salt in the water at all. They're doing very nicely, the only problem is feeding them. They are very nearly blind, their eyes are so tiny on the top of their heads that food has to be put in front of them, literally. They eat all kinds of frozens - blood worms, shrimp, etc. They don't like flake or sinking pellets. They have big mouths that they syphon the food through, ejecting the water and keeping the food particles. Although they look fearsome and scary, they really are very timid and gentle and I love mine to bits :wub: By the way, I posted a photo of one of mine in members pics. Look there and see if we're talking about the same fish!!! :rolleyes:
Hi there.

Thanks for your replies! It is definitely the same fish. So what would you say is the best food for them? I had tried him on the sinking pellets, but as you mentioned, he doesn't seem to show much interest. I keep him with some guppies, platties, and mollies, he seems to be getting along well wtih them -- he had made friends with a ropefish we had -- but he had to go as he ate some of our smaller fish!!

Let me know what you think.
Try frozen bloodworm and other mosquito larvae (Glassworm, blackworm) and frozen daphnia etc. That seems to be the favoured sort of foods for them :)
I feed mine on frozen bloodworm, tubifex worms, shrimp, daphnea. First I feed the others with flake, (otherwise they eat all the frozen) and while they're busy with the flake, I put in the defrosted frozen, literally in front of the dragons noses, otherwise they miss it completely. I do tend to over feed coz I want to make sure that the dragons eat and it does make feeding time a bit messy. I have a good clean up crew in the tank - 6 cory's a pleco and 4 clown loaches. They all take care of uneaten food that falls to the bottom but about every 10 days I have a good clean out with the gravel syphon. Hard work, but worth it - the dragons seem to be thriving as are all the others. (I think I have the fattest cory's in captivity :) )
My dragon loved a bit of chopped earth worm every now and then, he grab hold of a bit and like suck all its insides out, a bit uk, but he loves them. He also has a real thing about daphnia, he likes the other live foods but daphnia is his fav. bless his dinky little eyes. Also since I 've had this problem with my fish dying I have found he drags all the dead fish back to his home. I presume to eat (either that or he's very lonely). :)
No way could I chop up an earthworm no matter how much I love my dragons :sick: I'll stick to what they eat now :rolleyes:
I don't either, me very squeamish, get my boyfriend to do it, cos he big hard worm killer. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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