Blue Dolphin

Arnt Blue Dolphin's suppose to have a 'bump' on its head ?? Or do you mean the Pseudotropheus sp. "Blue Dolphin" ??.. either way it dont look like any imo..

I aint sure what it is tbh.. in the first pic it looks like some kind of peacock, but in the second pic, its colour looks drained and looks like some kind of mbuna ??.. :S
It looks like a juvenial moorii to me, the males don't grow their humps until they are mature.
Scientific name is Cyrtocara moorii
Thanks for all the help guys but I think I'm more confuse then I was before I started. :)
Well... hhmm.. im having a hard time fitting those to be blue dolphins.. but idk.. these are mine.. juvies



*sorry for the bad picks.. these are the fish just after being released in the tank haha*
Wow snake how big is your tank!!?? They look a little little like yours but maybe dthoffsett is right. Sometime the fish shop that I bought them from has some rogue fish that managed to make it into other species tanks. I also have a red top zebra in this tank and he? seems to be taking a liking to it. May it has some zebra in it.

Cheers again

they are in a 220 lol... i have a thread started about the tank.. just search my name.. anyway.. idk its just the markings that are bothering me... ive seen some blue dolphins but never any like these... any chance we could get some different pictures? one thing on my blue dolphins is i see them at sometime during the day show those black markings on them.. do yours ever do anything like that?? i see something that remotely appears on the first picture.. but the second picture. the markings on the fish coming down. i could be completely wrong here as well haha... to me it appears you have 2 different fish. if they had to be blue dolphins then i would say hybrids.
if they had to be blue dolphins then i would say hybrids.

I have taken another photo check out the link below.

I took this photo into another fish shop that seems to have quite a large range of cichlids and after looking through some of the books he had there, we have decided the it is a hybrid breed....

Looks like the guy who sold it to me had blue dolphins in with electric yellows. We think it maybe a electirc yellow crossed with a blue dolphin.
case closed haha.. that other picture is looking more and more hybrid.. who knows what its with :)

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