Blue Clawed Lobster


Fish Crazy
Aug 19, 2003
Reaction score
Hi there!

I recently purchased a small lobster. They called him blue clawed but I see no blue.

Anyway I have him alone in a 10 gallon. He seems to be doing ok. I was just wondering if anyone knows what they prefer to eat? I've tried crab and lobster bites which he doesnt seem to like too much and I tried brine shrimp as well and again he didn't seem to like them.

Any advice on keeping him happy would be great.

Thanks a lot!

if this is it, they can and do turn into this, however some just end up with blue claws


as for food, cucumber, fresh not boiled. peas, fresh not boiled.(skin them first, or you'll be picking skins out your filter forever :hyper: fish flak. i also give fresh roast chicken :hyper: :hyper: if it is a Redclaw Cray it will also need tropical temps, 72-82f
Thanks for the advice!

Pretty sure thats the same guy :good: , I already have the water warm thoough is that bad?

ok its a Australian Redclaw, so called because the male has a red patch on the outside of each claw, [size=-1]Cherax quadricarinatus.[/size][size=-1] or Blue Lobster. so if your temp is inside the 72-82f range it should be ok. they like a ph of 7-8. some caves and hides as well as stuff to climb on. they are Houdini in a shell, so make sure your lid is well secure. a planted tank is not a good idea with a Cray , for two reasons. Cray need a high o2 habitat, and plants need co2. it will dig them up and tear them apart anyway. you must be careful though , these critters infect you quickly, and i know of no cure! :hyper: :hyper: [/size]
So when I got up for school he is nowhere to be found :unsure:

Hopefully he is just hiding. After school I'm off to work till 2am so I won't be able to ckech for him for awhile.

I was also wondering how fast he will grow?

Thanks for all your help :rolleyes:

Stephanie a.k.a angel_lover
Oh and also the green peas should not come from a can right?? Is that a pea your little guy is eating in the first pic?? So cute :look:
Thanks for the advice!

Pretty sure thats the same guy :good: , I already have the water warm thoough is that bad?

ok its a Australian Redclaw, so called because the male has a red patch on the outside of each claw, [size=-1]Cherax quadricarinatus.[/size][size=-1] or Blue Lobster. so if your temp is inside the 72-82f range it should be ok. they like a ph of 7-8. some caves and hides as well as stuff to climb on. they are Houdini in a shell, so make sure your lid is well secure. a planted tank is not a good idea with a Cray , for two reasons. Cray need a high o2 habitat, and plants need co2. it will dig them up and tear them apart anyway. you must be careful though , these critters infect you quickly, and i know of no cure! :hyper: :hyper: [/size]

That would explain why mine has no red bits on (her) claws and my mates does, will mine defiently turn out that blue? she is still a bit more like the first pic if she is still growing how big will Mrs Lobby get?
So when I got up for school he is nowhere to be found :unsure:

Hopefully he is just hiding. After school I'm off to work till 2am so I won't be able to ckech for him for awhile.

I was also wondering how fast he will grow?

Thanks for all your help :rolleyes:

Stephanie a.k.a angel_lover
not easey to say how much it can grow, but mine, has gone from 1.5 inches to 5.5 inches, in 5 months. its about 12 months before they steady down on the growth. 5-8 inches, nose to tail, is the average sixe they get to. but i know of many giants 10-14 inches. some can get to over a pound in weight.


that is a 90gram redclaw sitting on a 500gram redclaw. sorry the pic is a bit dark.


and this one is now titch!!

Thanks to Crusty at Crayfishmates.

and no my peas are fresh, well birdseye fresh anyway. i never cook any veg i give my stock.
Well I just got home from work and the lobster is GONE.

I guess I will find him dried up around my room sometime :angry:
i have one, from the wild, got him when he was a newborn. i accidently brought him home when i collected some plants from a pond my dad owns and he was in there. anyway, mine isn't exactly like that typeof crawdad but he likes to eat little fish pellets, i usually feed him nutrifin extreme color pellets. he may also like shopped fish (like salmon or something) and he may eat like crab meet. i know they sometimes will eat small fish like tetras when there full grown.

like that one guy said, try peas, cucomber, and maby even corn?

Well I just got home from work and the lobster is GONE.

I guess I will find him dried up around my room sometime :angry:
well, start looking. i would look anywhere dark he could be hiding. look for maby drips of water from him. look real hard for him, don't giv up, you gotta find the little guy. he won't like being on dry land in a room with no food or water very long :no:
I found him a couple days later dried up under my bed. :angry:

I went to go pick up a slider today and they are illegal in Ottawa. We saw a really cute little crab so we are considering that but we did really want a turte.

I have an empty ten gallon and we want something. We have a 45 gallon that it can be transferred to when it gets bigger. Anyone have suggestions??
poor crawdad. did you not even try looking for him? :/

if you didn't care enough to look for a crawdad i wouldn't get a turtle... :no:
Ok I woke up and looked and had to go to school then work. I was gone for a long time and I lookied under the bed and I didn't see him. When I moved the bed a found him.

Please don't comment if you don't know what your even talking about :good:

If you don't care enough to find out the whole story then keep your opinion to yourself.

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