Blue beta water at the LFS


Fish Fanatic
Jun 10, 2003
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I picked up a cup with a dying fish in it and when I set it down a ew drops of water splashed me. Now two hours later I have dime sized bumps where the water touched me.

UGh!!!! No wonder he died! What is in that water? Why was all their cups' water blue?
That's methylene blue, perhaps you had an allergic reaction. They use that to keep them disease and parasite free during shipping :)
LOL! I called the LFS and told them that they caused this reaction and they said that they were sorry. I wish they'd just had told why the water was blue instead. Here I am thinking that it was dyed to make the fish look pretty. I scolded them for it. LOL! They are probably laughing at me right now.

Wow, I had no idea that I'd be allergic to anything beside bees.

It is odd that you would be allergic to it, but at least you learned before you stuck your hand in a bowl full of it :blink:

Funny thing , a friend of mine works at a fish store and she constantly has her hand in different tanks. One time she was stung by something (salt) and had a terrible,terrible reaction. Doctors couldn't diagnose/treat it successfuly, of all things....methylene blue made it go away. Go figure.
I find that is so hard to tell the actual color of the fish when they put them in the methylene blue. I remember I saw an incredible lilac colored male and I was in awe about how gorgeous he was. It was water change time and the lfs associate scooped his cup up and plunked him in the blue water and it just changed his colouring so much that the spell was broken and I walked away without him... I probably would have brought him if she hadn't of done that. I don't know why it changed my mind considering the fish is the same behind the blue, but somehow it interrupted my whole buying process.

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