Blue And Gold Rams

well, do rams jump? just a safety pracaution lol

and i think its better if i get a hood anyways
i think the price of a hood for a 10 gallon is less then the price of buying something to put on top and a light strip.

hm this i wonder how much this is gonna cost me:
$20-two fish
$20-i think the hood is less but i overestimate
$5-lightbulb if the hood doesnt have one
$3-i think background is 1.5 per feed or something
$7-i honestly dont even know how much pots are
$6-i dont know how much amazon swords are either lol. I mean, i dont even know where it is sold. At my petstore and near my house, its just labeled "assorted swords"


lets just say $75 for everything because i need a ph tester too >.>

oi, that seems so much now ._.
dont know if my dad will let me buy it T_T
maybe if i get Straight A's this semester and make him happy lol. I was one A away last time >.>

nah rams arent really the type to jump, but they could,

ok i think your a little steeep on the prices. this is wat i should cost.

$20 - 2 German rams
$20 - for a Hood, $5 - for a Lamp (no hood) at a eletrical store, like a desk lamp
most hods are with a light bulb
$3 - backing or use a plastic bag
$2 - for 1 pot crack it in half
$6 - for 2 amazon swords type in amazon swords on google there the ones u want
$10 - Driftwood (depending on size could be more or less

i make that

$61 if u do some chores, or get a job ie paper round itll be easy :)

also for a Pro decent test kit, for all test ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, Ph it would be about $20
well, see, by you saying hood, im thinking about one of those reptile ones that like metal mesh. I know where those are sold and for a 10gallon, its only 10 dollars BUT, the thing is, there is no place to put my filter and heater and i would practically have to take the whole hood off. So thats why i think a ~$25 hood would be more beneficial in the futer because there is a place in the back to cut out for my filter, and feeding is easier.

Also, are you sure i should crack the pot in half xD i would probably break the whole thing lol. And dont rams usually put their eggs on a flat surface on the bottom. Cuz if i do manage to crack a pot in half, the half side would be facing the gravel and they would have no where to put their eggs in the pot D;

hm, its not that i dont have the money lol. I get money from birthdays/christmas/chinese new year ($_$)/report card

its just that my dad may not let me spend any more money because ive spent $100 just for my betta and near $250-$300 for my turtle.

My only hope is making him happy from me getting Straight A's this semester lol.
But the dang exams were fricken hard>.>
nah, i was thinking nothing, just a desklamp over the top, like on nano cubes. Like this


Also, rams will lay anywhere, under a pot, on the gravel, in the plants do what u want really withe the pots break them or not theyll still breed lol!

good luck on getting the money!
hm, ok

just on a sidenote, bog wood and drift wood are the same right?
rams around here are 10 dollars a piece too. i am thinking about getting either a pair of gold or blue rams for my 35 gallon along with 8 gold neon tetras, 8 cardinal tetras, and 2 albino longfin bn's. your tank sounds like it will turn out nice :good:
rams around here are 10 dollars a piece too. i am thinking about getting either a pair of gold or blue rams for my 35 gallon along with 8 gold neon tetras, 8 cardinal tetras, and 2 albino longfin bn's. your tank sounds like it will turn out nice :good:

That seems like a lot to me actually... I can get them from the local pet chain for about $7, and from a lfs for $6 each. Just bought a pair of balloon dwarf blues..... BEEEEAUTIFUL.... if I do say so myself! :drool: They were pricier. $14 each. Well worth it.
could you show a pic of your rams and your tank Java?

i'd love to see that :D

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