Blue Acara


New Member
Aug 24, 2024
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55gal tank. Looking for some ideas for tank mates for a Blue Acara. Keeping only one Blue Acara and would like to know what I could keep him/her with even after it reaches adulthood. Not really interested in keeping any other cichlids in the mix.
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Is yours a wild type blue, or an electric blue???

They have different aggressive levels
Electric blues are really tame for a Cichlid… I have 3 in one tank, and they get along with the Angels to the Cory’s, in my tank, including some Zebra Oto’s that got added yesterday
Electric blues are really tame for a Cichlid… I have 3 in one tank, and they get along with the Angels to the Cory’s, in my tank, including some Zebra Oto’s that got added yesterday
What size is your tank? Are the Acaras full grown?
Mine are in a 45 gallon tall… I don’t think they are fully as big as they’ll get,,, but the biggest is around 5 inches long…
Nice set up! They may have another inch to go but almost done growing I would say. Thanks for your reply!!
I grow ( mostly ) Pothos vines, Chinese Evergreen, and Peace Lilies, above my tanks, and use the plants to offer a natural shaded light… in that particular tank, those are all Chinese Evergreen… each plant type, puts down a different looking root system…
A word of caution, in your added picture… the rocks look like limestone, which will leach hardness into your tank… which brings up water in your area… my area is extremely hard water, and I had to add a dedicated RO filter to keep softer water fish… I recommend before buying fish, to find out your water conditions
Sandstone not limestone. I did the vinegar acid test and found no reaction before adding them. Im running right at 7.9ph. I have access to rso treated water but so far levels are stable with my tap water
Sandstone also dissolves minerals into the water. Test the GH (general hardness) and compare with the GH in the source water to see it’s impact. PH is not as significant as GH for the fish.
Vinegar is often too weak an acid to react with rocks.

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