Blown Fuses

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Fish Crazy
Dec 19, 2005
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So i went to work and when i came home my lights had not come on by the timer. I checked that they were switched on and that it wasn't the timer that was broken. I assumed te bulbs had blown, partly because they are starting to get black ends and because they buzz when they switch on. My boyfriend said it may be the fuse so after much cack handiness i changed my first fuse! The lights workewd for approx 15 seconds and the fuse blew again.
I know nothing about electricals or anything so i an guessing that water may have got inside the light?
Any suggestion? What can i do?
You have a short somewhere i'm guessing. Water could do it, but old bulbs could also do it. Try changing your bulbs out with known good ones.
Yeah something is shorted for sure. Common culprits for shorts are lights, powerheads, heaters, and filters. Somthing is broken. If it were me, I'd unplug everything, replace the fuse, and slowly plug items in (waiting 15 minutes between each one) to see which one is faulty ;)
Yeah something is shorted for sure. Common culprits for shorts are lights, powerheads, heaters, and filters. Somthing is broken. If it were me, I'd unplug everything, replace the fuse, and slowly plug items in (waiting 15 minutes between each one) to see which one is faulty ;)

Fletch wins the thread!
Where is the blowing fuse ? Do you have seperate plugs (or fuses) for each item ? You say "the ends are black" so I assume they are flourescent lamps ? (tubes) In which case I doubt a new tube would solve it...
Also, what ratings (ie value) is the fuse that pops ?
You mention a timer for the lights. If it is a plug in mechanical timer, into which you set another plug AND it is that plug that is popping the fuse, then it is unlikely to be any of your other gear. It seems unlikely that you would have other stuff on the timer. So I'm guessing that the rest of your equipment is still working when the lights are fused?

So do you have old style coil starters for your lamps, or modern electronic ones? If the older coil types, these can get overly warm and the insulation between the windings breaks down creating a short which will pop the fuse.

Without more detail, it is a little difficult to be more precise.

As an aside, fluorescent lamps dim with time. If your is old, and black ends suggest it may be, then you will probably be amazed how much brighter your tank looks if you put a new lamp in. Fix the short first though!
I reckon your transformer is knackered...

1) Your fuse does not blow immediately, it is taking time - this is weird.
2) I am therefore relating time to heat. 'Something' is getting warm and then causing a short and then blowing the fuse.
3) Heat causes expansion, i.e. movement.
4) Transformers consist of lots & lots of thin enamelled wire wound around a laminated iron core.
5) So, there could be some stressed wiring in the transformer, you turn it on, gets hot, moves shorts out, fuse blows....

Pure, unadulterated guesswork of course....


[edit] - ^ guess i'm a slower typer ^ :blush:
They are standard Juwel tubes and they are nearing a year old. I don't know what kind of starter it is :blush: I'm guessing at the new type because the tank is under a year old?! Everything still works and they are all plugged in to a 4 way adaptor. The fuse is a 3 amp according to the plug. The lights don't work with or without the mechanical timer.
All other equipment is still working which is why i think that its just the light unit that is the problem...
Well, sounds like you've narrowed it to the lighting fixture. The ballast, wiring, or bulbs could be shorting. If its not an expensive lighting fixture it might pay to just replace the whole thing for the piece of mind.

Trouble is the transformer / ballast whatever you want to call it is integral into the lid of Jewel tanks. They sit in a recess in the lid of these tanks, the cover of which is glued / sealed shut. Nice thoughtful design - means unless you comletely rip the lid apart with a hacksaw, you cannot get at the damn thing to replace it - if you do, you completely ruin the tank cover.

Means you've got to buy a whole new cover - & I bet they cost a fortune and are rarer than rocking horse sh...

What size Jewel tank is it?

I've a rio180 but I no longer use the hood and lights as I have an arcadia luminaire on there.
Ok well i tried the lights again and with the help of my dad realised that the fuse wasn't blown the light was just cutting out. One of the bulbs glowed bright red at one end (i thought it was going to burst into flames!) and subsequently cut out. So i bought two new Juwel light bulbs and fitted them: Fantastic! Or not! They worked for about 14 hours (not continously) but now the front bulb has turned a weird purple colour when it should be white. It also looks like the light is flowing from one end to the other in waves. I thought about returning the bulb but i don't think it's the bulb as the old red glowing one was also at the front?!
The mystery continues.
I am actually going to email Juwel and she what they suggest.
I would swap the "starter" for that tube.... its job is to pass current through the element in the end of the tube ONLY until the tube is lit, then the filament should be turned off, It could be that the filament is permanantly energised - the tube wont last long then !
Failing that, your ballast unit is duff :crazy:
I emailed Juwel and this was their reply:

"Hi, We are very sorry to hearing about this. Time of guarantee is 24 months.
Please complain about it at your retailer (with the receipt), should the light
unit be covered by the guarantee.
During the last years the technic of JUWEL light unit electronical ballast has
been continous improved. Their chassis is weld together by ultrasonic. This
guarantees safety against condensation water. Often customer with such complaint
did never replace the tubes as well as the end cups. These end cups are very
important for the long life of your light unit. The including seals protect the
light unit against condens water. Their replacing is suggested every year
minimum and it is also suggested in the instruction manuel."

Hope this helps you.

Kind regards,
JUWEL Aquarium GmbH & Co. KG
Birgit Fischer

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