
You might get slightly different opinions as to how frequently you can feed your fish bloodworms and other frozen foods such as this.

I would say the most important thing to note here is that bloodworms and other high protein foods are an excellent addition to the feeding regime of aquarium fish, but balance must be maintained in the fish's diet. Many betta keepers have had problems with bloating due to overfeeding of high protein foods such as bloodworms. Care must be taken to offer a VARIED diet of HIGH QUALITY flake and pellet foods, as well as live or frozen foods. As far as dry foods, the lower quality foods usually have improper or less than perfect nutrient balances, as well as low moisture content (low moisture foods in large [overfed] amounts can cause blockages in small fish too). Vegetables can also be used to supply large doses of fiber into the diets of your fish, sometimes this is necessary if the fish become bloated (cooked, cooled peas removed from the shell and broken into small pieces work very well here).

Several days a week with bloodworms should prove to be the ideal feeding frequency (2-3 days), and should cause no problems. Take care to not overfeed the bettas, they are small and have a small digestive tract, several bloodworms will fill these guys up pretty quick... Also note that a day of no feeding once in a while is also beneficial to the fish, it helps to keep everything moving and to prevent any sort of blockage that could occur in these fish, perhaps the 7th day of the week could be a no food day. If you find that the bettas are bloating, reduce the bloodworm content first, or just the total amount of food they are eating, if the problem persists try feeding them a few peas as described above.

Hope this helps
Thanks Champ =)

At the moment Im doing 2 days Pallets, 1 day bloodworms, repeat, then no feeding on 7th day. Lemme get some more inputs on this =)
I feed bloodworms once or twice a week except when I'm conditioning - and then I feed them every second day with no ill effects. I am very, very careful when conditioning though... it's a pain in the butt, I have to go running off to feed the bettas every few hours... I give them basically what I always do, just four or five times a day. I feed peas if they ever get constipated and I also skip feeding one day a week except when conditioning... when i am conditioning them I load them up on banana (yep) and then live mozzie larvae. Never seem to have problems with this.

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