Bloodworms Questions

What is a map turtle

Map Turtles get huuuge, literally! They're not fit to be in a tank with fish, especially a tank that size. They are aquatic turtles but the must,must have a place to crawl out and a light to bask under.
Yah but they get big in a very long period of time, like 20 years to reach full length... by that time i hope to have a bigger tank :p I got basking lights for it and also a floating platform where it can rest. The baby guppies like to rest on the shallow area of the ramp on the platform too so it serves two purposes. I'll get the picture of him up in a sec.
Fair enough ;) I recently brought ours to my friends mothers pond, she was getting too big,too quickly and I felt bad that she was boxed up.
It also depends how much food you feed the turtle. I feed mine fish food and he does fine... hes stayed the same 2 inches for about 6 months now. My other friend who feeds him almost twice as much food is about twice the size of mine.
his name is murtle, murtle the turtle :D

lucky62 said:
Smithvio said:
Whats weird is how did i even get these worms in the first place?!?! If they are tubifex worms... How!!  :hyper:
When you bought what you said were blood worms , How were they packaged ?

Blood worms have a kind of swimming movement through the water [ ever see mosquito larva ], and stay near the suface. [and are not actually a worm ].

Tubifex and black worms just sink and wiggle , or wiggle as they sink to the bottem.
They where in a bag that you get the fish in, they were red and slimy and wiggling up the bag. They also smelled like iron. Thats why i'm so puzzled. They were bloodworms, but how the heck did i get tubifex worms?!?!
tubifelx worm are planiarian they will occur if you are overfeeding the fish and not cleaning the gravel enough also they are in the same cat as FLATWORMS i only said you COULD treat them with copper i never said DO IT buy a plec and clean the gravel with a siphonic cleaning device to get rid of the organic debis they are most definatly consuming to stay alive FEED LESS CLEAN MORE AND THE PROBLEM WILL GO AWAY!!!!!!

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