Bloodworms Questions


New Member
Jun 1, 2004
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I bought some bloodworms a while ago and fed my fish. Its been three months now and there still alive! Is this normal? I thought that they only lived for a few weeks and then turned into insects. What I started observing in my tank too is that they start to poke their bodies out of the gravel and I guess filter the water.... by the hundreds.... My fish aren't even actively eating them? Are these even bloodworms?!! Or have they mutated into superworms? :crazy:
errr you can always remove them, i doubt your fish will keep eating htem when they've popopulated the bottom of the tank completely lol :p just take a vaccum and suck them all up :D
I thought bloodworms were dead when you got them or can it be different.
That's scary :( Bloodworms freak me out, I can only bring myself to put them in my tank by thinking that it's ok because they'll soon be gone!
Is there any way we can get a picture? I'd really like to see this! And I'm with cutecotton's idea.. I'd just vac them out.
these worm dont sound like bloodworms to me they sound more like planarians these are free living flatworms that do not apperar to harm fishes (however they will desroy eggs and fry) use a copper based or general anti-parasite treatment and reduce the amount of food given for a period of several days to discurage the planarians :D oh they are caused by overfeeding or a breakdown in the bacterial process in a tank i have had them not nice looking are they smithvio
here is the picture

I have 6 Long-tailed blue danios, 6 guppies - all bred from my friends fish tank with the males having a beautiful flame-red/orange tails and purple striped tops, a bamboo shrimp, pleco, and a baby missisppi map turtle that lives peacefully with my fish.
I don't think its those planarians you were talking about.. I looked up the pictures of those things and they are some odd looking critters. These are literally like worms.. bloodworms that lost their color. The weird thing is once in a while I stir the bottom of the tank up so that the worms are all floating and the fish go nuts. Other than that.. while their doing their thing on the bottom of the tank the fish don't bother them. Its kinda like free food... If I ever run outta fish food I can always stir up the bottom. :lol:
I gotta get rid of em than? :-( They kinda grow on you after a while....
:D if you don't want to get rid of them don't but there proliferation usually means an excess of food in the aquarium. Whitch really can't help the water parametres,I recomend to get rid of them before your fish start dying.

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