Blood Worms


Fish Aficionado
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
Near Madison, WI
Does anyone else here get almost physically ill when feeding bloodworms to their fish? I seriously have to wait til almost bedtime to feed Liza because I get almost physically ill and my stomach starts to churn when I get them out and feed them to her. I also have to scrub my hands about a bazillion times after I feed them to her - even though I don't actually touch any of them.

LoL... I rememeber in my younger years, I would dig up earth worms and cut them up for my goldfish... now that was sick. Do you use tweezers? That way you dont have to handle the worms.
I actually went out and bought a whole set of utensils just for Liza's care.
I use the little measuring spoons - and I use the teeny tiny one (I think it's 1/8 of a teaspoon) to scoop up 1 - 2 of the worms - and then I have to hold it up over the top of the water and wait til she feels like coming over to eat it.

Since she eats ONLY these worms and peas, she eats about 3 - 4 of the worms and about the equivalent of 2 peas per day. It drives me nuts having to "cook" A meal every day for one of my 12 bettas, but I do it... cuz I love her. :wub:

I LOVE your little bunny w/the pancakes on its head.
that's hilarious.
Ahhhh...the things we do for the fish we love....

I cut up blackworms into little tiny pieces for my fry once, just to see if they would eat them. Little itty bitty tiny pieces, all bloody and wriggling. Quite disgusting. Not easy to gross me out, though, so it didn't bother me much. But it's not something I'd recommend.
Actually, last time I fed live bloodworm I was really proud of myself cos I scooped some up with my fingers and just dunked them in the tank rather than putting them in tank water in measuring jugs etc. Much easier!!! But definitely an 'ick' factor :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: i also cut up worms for feed if you are squeamish are they frozen if so grate them with a grater first and then drop in the bits that way its like putting ice into a Bacardi and coke........ :whistle: :rofl: :rofl:

edit you could freeze them if they are not.......
one of the members here (i think its sorrell but dont quote me on that) is allergic to them.

the worms dont bother me though. what about when you feeding live worms and they squrim in your fingers :p
I will not EVER touch them.
GROSS. I don't usually get grossed out easily, but these things make me want to barf on the spot. YUCK.
Mine are the Hikari frozen ones, I thaw out a few into a little shot glass with dechlorinated water and use a pair of forceps tweezers to feed with. They both try to leap out of the water to get them before I can get them dropped in. I don't really think much about it, I suppose because they aren't moving and I'm just putting little wet non-moving red things in there as opposed to a live squirming worm :p.
I have no choice but to feed Liza the frozen YUCKY NASTY ones. that's ALL she will eat besides the peas. And she is SOOOOOOOOOo very divaish. She will decide when she's ready to come up for one. If it happens to fall in the water off the spoon, she will not touch it. It has to be STILL hanging on to the spoon and just at the surface of the water or forget it.

I just use my little measuring spoon and scrape a few of the frozen ones off and lay them on a paper towel to thaw.

I use the Hikari ones too.
I buy frozen bloodworms and let them dethaw in tank water, then just pinch some out with my fingers and let my bettas eat them. I don't really find it disgusting, although the smell is the worst part. I always wash my hands afterwards. :thumbs:

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