Blood Red Muchroom Not Looking Happy


Fish Crazy
Mar 3, 2009
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About two weeks ago I purchased a blood red mushroom. But over the past week or so he does not look happy. now he seems to have completely closed in on himself. I have check my stats twice & everything is well. The only thing I have not tested for is copper. I have also had two snails die this week, could they be connected?

Many thanks in advance.
please post up a full list of your water stats.

Soft corals can sulk for a while after being moved, they are generally quicte hardy so if like you say your water is spot on then it should recover in time.

what was your routine like when adding this coral to the tank? incorrect acclimatisation can cause them to sulk a bit longer.

Also, what is the flow and lighting like in the tank? If its in too much flow it will not like it. If it has been in low light conditions in the other tank and yours are much brighter this would also cause it to get blog on
please post up a full list of your water stats.
Soft corals can sulk for a while after being moved, they are generally quicte hardy so if like you say your water is spot on then it should recover in time.

what was your routine like when adding this coral to the tank? incorrect acclimatisation can cause them to sulk a bit longer.

Also, what is the flow and lighting like in the tank? If its in too much flow it will not like it. If it has been in low light conditions in the other tank and yours are much brighter this would also cause it to get blog on
I will post water stats tonight.

I used the drip method mentioned on here to acclimatise them over a few hours.

Its in direct light but at the bottom of the tank (where I ahve seen others before). When I feed a little food it seems to be in a moderate area.

Thanks ben, I was hoping it was sulking. :crazy:
Here are my stats

SG 1.025
Temp 24
PH 8
Nitrite 0
Amonia <0.25
Nitrate 5
Phosphate 0 (however old test kit getting new one weekend).
that ammonia needs to be 0 could be an inaccurate test kit. but i would do a water change all the same
that ammonia needs to be 0 could be an inaccurate test kit. but i would do a water change all the same

Thanks Ben. Did one last night :shifty:

Everything else is doing well. My toadstool & zoa is well. Crabs are running all over the place & the two clowns seems happy.

Reading it it most porbs is 0. I ask my wife to look as well & she said 0 but I am very harsh to try to play safe. I will buy a new test kit the weekend anyway to play safe.
Hey mate.
Im thinking of getting an Orca tl550.
Could you possibly get me a FTS of it please?

Are you after full tech specs? If so I will see if I can find the website. I ordered mine as a bulk order. Sent a list to a couple of on line retailers & did a deal.

The orca is a really good tank. I have really enjoyed setting it up. The help from people on here has been brilliant. :shout:
How old is the tank?

Assuming you have sufficient lighting/flow, I'd be suspicious of the accuracy of your salinity measure. Mushrooms shrivel if a hydrometer drifts over time. Have you verified/calibrated your measuring device with a known concentration of salt, or have your LFS verify your measure?
Thanks Ski, tank is about 2-3 month old. All stats etc I have posted under the nano section & everything seem to be going well.

The Salinity meansure was the refractormetre that BigC suggested on Trod/ Seffie journal. I believe I have calibrated it correctly. I have a hydrometre that I got free with the live rock & will use that to test tonight.

He seemed to be happier yesterday. I moved him day before yesterday

I am going to the LFS tomorrow morning. Will get the water checked. Everything else, the Zoa & my Leatherhead Toadstool, crabs seem well happy.
Hi, right, the hydrometre says the sg is 1.023. I have recalibrated the refactometre & that say 1.026... so thanks Ski something is odd. I will take some water to the lfs tomorrow. 1.026 is correct...

Lets see what the LFS says in the morning.
Be aware that a hydrometer is not the as accurate as a refractometer. Refractometers need calibratinbg to a know SG usually by making up a defined salt solution. You can do an almost calibration where you use RO water as 0 but this is not the most accurate method.

I will tell you that hydrometers are usually more out than a refractomter. My hydrometer was checked at the LFS, what my hydrometer says is 1.022 is aactually 1.025.
Thanks, I will find out tomorrow at the LFS. So I will update then. THis was mean to be a trip to get some nice shrimps :angry: but best make sure everything is fine first... #did tests again & they were fine so if it not the sg reddy must be sulking. he does look better though.

Thanks for all your help.

another quick pointer for you is to avoid trying to feed the shroom in anyway as if it is stressed it really wont appreciate you trying to feed it and could just stress it more.

Has the mushroom ever fully come out? and how much have you handled it to try and reposition it?

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