Blood fin Tetra missing nose....


Fish Fanatic
Apr 15, 2004
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I have a blood nose thats missing the first mm or so of its nose and mouth..... what the hell is up with that?

I tried to get a picuture but he's hiding in the plants real good, and is acting scared, he come out of the plants if I'm a ways away, but as soon as I get close hes back in..... I dont get it.

all my other fish are perfect and act normal.
Hi, :)

How long has he been in the tank? What other fish do you have in the tank?
he has 5 other blood fins,

a female guppy, and 9 khuli loaches.

tank perameters are perfect, has been set up for ever and the other day he was fine, and they have been there for about a month, bit more maybe
I had a green tiger barb that was missing part of the top of his mouth but I got him like that. They say that green tiger barbs have a lot of genetic defects so it could have been natural for him. He did quite fine and didn't know that he was different. ;)

Obviously he didn't come to you like that so we can rule that out.

I can't think of any diseases off hand that would cause something like that.

If I had to guess I would say that your fish took a bite from one of the others. It's the only thing that I can think of. That's just my opinion though.
How is he? Will he eat? Is he swimming fine?
hes been kinda swimming then resting on a leaf for a bit, or he will swim then jsut kinda coast and sink a bit.

he tries to eat, but isnt very effective. and can only get the tiny flakes that he can get in one bite. the bigger flakes it looks like he jsut makes them sink.
I take it that this behaviour just started after you noticed he was missing part of his mouth?

If he were my fish I would keep a good eye on him and watch his progress or lack there of. If he seems to be getting worse (not eating at all or not swimming properly) or if the other fish seem to be bothering him I would move him to a hospital tank and see how he does. Are they bothering him? Do you have a hospital tank? That's what I would do but others may have different ideas-like moving him now...or not at all.
well he seemed ok this morning, ate when I fed them, and was simming well better then yesterday.

but then I got hom from school and he was gone, not much more then bones and fins left from the khuli loaches sitting on the sand.

So sad.
Hi jeffrey :)

I'm so sorry to hear about your fish. :byebye:

Did you see any finrot on him or your other fish? Or any white patches on his mouth or any other part of him?

How often do you do water changes and how much do you remove? :unsure:
Inchworm said:
Hi jeffrey :)

I'm so sorry to hear about your fish. :byebye:

Did you see any finrot on him or your other fish? Or any white patches on his mouth or any other part of him?

How often do you do water changes and how much do you remove? :unsure:
I've been doing every 2 weeks and about 25% as I have for 3 or so years that its been running. with having to add a liter or two inbetween to keep the water level up.

I cant see any fin rot on any of my fish, they all look normal and act normal.

the one that had no nose was kinda white where his nose was gone.... but hes kinda white/sliver too so it was hard to tell. but the missing part didnt look fleashy or anything.
Hi jeffrey :)

Please take a look at this link and see if you think it might be the same condition your fish had:

I explained what I thought the problem was and what to do with it.

In the future, it might be a good idea if you increase your water changes and gravel vacuuming to once a week and be certain to keep your tanks at a constant temperature. Good water circulation is important too.

Prevention is always easier than trying to cure fish once a disease takes hold, and at this point it is a safe assumption that you have something going on in your tank that is not good.
Oh I'm very sorry to hear about your fish. :(

There was white stuff on the mouth??? That sounds like it could have been flex. Sorry I didn't mention it earlier but I wasn't aware that it was there.
How are you other fish doing?

I am not familiar with treating a tank before signs start showing (in your other fish)but if it infact was something like that I would ask someone about treating your tank before it's too late.
it didnt look like that other thread.
it wasnt extra, it was missing, right infront of its eyes a bit it jsut went straight down.

I run a fuval 303 canister and a hanging filter, I foget what one at that moment, something 50

I've been changing my water like this for YEARS, never even had ich.

all my levels are perfect.

I put the carbon packs into both my filters (pain with the fuval) to take out any impurities there might be.

I dont know wha flex is.

it looked like it was "cut off" and looked like hte skin jsut kept going, like hte white/silver skin jsut rapped around.
I tried to get a picture, but its very hard, the one corner of the tank is planted good and has a rock sculpture in front. and thats where he would retreat as soon as I got close.

all the rest seem fine to me... khuli loaches a bit more playful during the daytime today, but they do that sometimes.
If it some other type of disease I'm sure someone will come along sooner or later and give you some better advice. Sorry. :(
Just keep a good eye on your fish because a lot of diseases are fatal if they are not treated quickly.

If his mouth was bitten by another fish...maybe it was trying to regenerate?

Yes I know what you mean. :crazy: My Ruby/Rainbow shark does not like having his picture taken at all. As soon as I come up to the tank with the camera he swims away into his cave. LOL Now the Danios on the other hand....they love the attention...real camera hogs. : :lol:

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