Blocked From Entering This Site?

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Fish Crazy
Sep 8, 2012
Reaction score
I was just blocked by google chrome from entering this website, being told that it is a malicious site that could infect my computer. Never had this before, just wondering if it's my end or your end. Will do a scan of my computer now.

Oh and I managed to get on by clicking a well hidden 'Proceed at my own risk' button.
Same with me - so it's nothing at your end - it seems the site has been reported as distributing malware.
I was just blocked by google chrome from entering this website, being told that it is a malicious site that could infect my computer. Never had this before, just wondering if it's my end or your end. Will do a scan of my computer now.

Oh and I managed to get on by clicking a well hidden 'Proceed at my own risk' button.

Sounds more your side as I've never got this problem before.
Ok. Google let me see a report on the website and it states that there has been no malware found by people using this site, so why would they block it anyway? Strange


This is the image I get when trying to load the website.

Lol, That's so random. It's only possible for this to happen if a number of people report this website, which I find highly unlikey. Am sure it's just a mistake on googles end.
Yeah same here for Safari must be/have been a file floating around here somewhere, or could just be a mistake.
I have just got the same message with Firefox also. A bit strange, I did have a notification about Javascript having issues earlier when I was on here, perhaps it is relating to that. I guess potentially there could be a security flaw with the site and someone is exploiting the vulnerability via Javascript and XSS but it would be surprising.
That is odd. We haven't had any troubles or security issues. I just checked in Chrome and Firefox and it let me right in. I'm using IE right now and it let me in...
Lol, That's so random. It's only possible for this to happen if a number of people report this website, which I find highly unlikey. Am sure it's just a mistake on googles end.

Yeh must be. It's something to do with this site setting off Chromes built-in malware detector.

That is odd. We haven't had any troubles or security issues. I just checked in Chrome and Firefox and it let me right in. I'm using IE right now and it let me in...

That's weird
. If I had another browser I'd try it, but I don't lol. I guess I'll just have to hope it goes away.
Mine just did that about 10 minutes ago as well, using Firefox. Told me it was an attack site but gave me no reasons or occurences to prove it!
It's doing it when selecting individual topics too. That could get real old, real fast
I'll see what I can dig up. My guess is someone reported the site as suspicious as a "joke". If you read the screen shot they are saying they found nothing wrong with the site but it's been "listed".
Yeh I got that too sunflower.
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