Fish Herder
Just to update, my guppy is still the same. Still bloated. I got a couple of more days for the first week of melafix and pimafix treatment. I did notice this morning some definite stringy white poo. I mean real stringy. Haven't noticed that before so more than likely he probably has internal parasites/worms of some sort. He IS still eating and swimming around just fine. I have some API General Cure coming and will try that next. I was thinking of disolving it in a cup of the tank water, then soaking his food in it and then just putting everything in at the same time? That way the food has some time to soak up some of the meds so he can also get it in his system I hoping. Anyway, that's the update for now. This fish is for sure a fighter!
I'll also treat my 10 gallon tank where he came from as well, just to make sure nobody else has any(one of them keeps going pale, not sure why, is fine otherwise). But, that's the update. Will post again soon!