Bloated fish help!!


New Member
Oct 22, 2024
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Can someone help me my fish is bloated and I can’t seem to find why…
-White cloud minnow (I have 14 total)
-25 gallon tank
-Water change weekly around 30% ish
-Filtered no heater (I’m in the tropics)
-Fed twice daily a pinch or two ish those tiny pellets for schooling fish
-I just finished my water testing kit and I’m short on money to get one rn so… so params :/ (I’m a student so I’m short on money but I’ll get one again asap)

But I don’t think it’s water issues cause:
- it’s an established tank tho I’ve had it for two to three years already never had any issues
-the rest of the fish are fine

I was thinking it’s dropsy (but I don’t think it’s pineconing..?) or just not digesting well (fasting didn’t work can’t get them to eat down peas sadly) Here’s some pics for reference (pls ignore the algae I’m having some severe algae issues I’ve yet to get rid of…)

How long have you had the fish for?
How long did it take to get fat like that?

It is either a tumour or a cyst and there's no cure for either. Tumours grow slowly over several months while cysts can cause a fish to bloat up like that in a few days.

If the fish has trouble eating or swimming, then euthanise it.


Algae problems are usually associated with excess nutrients or too much light. If you have blue green algae (Cyanobacteria) on the substrate, that is normally too much nutrients and big daily water changes and gravel cleaning the substrate can help. If you still can't get rid of it then look for something like ultralife green slime remover (linked below).
I’ve had the fish for like a year ish already. It doesn’t seem to have any problems eating or swimming tho so I’m kinda confused. Its belly got slowly suddenly I think but at first I thought it was just eggy (I’ve had a couple others spawn and had baby fish around that time) at first so didn’t pay much attention till it was unusually large. It’s abdomen it slightly red (bloody?) too if you look closely…

My tank is beside a window I don’t have anywhere else to put it sadly so… Algae isn’t bad for fish though is it..?
The red streaks in the fish are veins with blood in. When the body and skin is stretched like that it becomes thinner and you can see things you wouldn't normally see.

I doubt light is the issue if you have blue green algae on the substrate, that's more from excess nutrients. Most algae isn't a problem to fish but blue green algae (Cyanobacteria) can be if the fish are in contact with it. The other types of algae are a problem to the plants they grow on but not normally an issue to the fish.
Cyanobacteria grows rapidly and in a few days large areas can be covered in a blue, black, green, red, pink, brown or purple slime that smells musty/ mouldy. It tends to lift on in sheets and there can be large air bubbles develop under the sheets.

If you post a picture of the substrate we can usually ID it from that.


I’ve had another tank which was covered in algae too that was string like..? It was like a net ish structure with vv thin strands. Thats probably not Cyanobacteria right..? I just cleaned that tank so I don’t exactly have any pics rn. Apologies for the bad pic I can try getting a clearer one if needed but I can’t seem to get one rn so… maybe I’ll clean the glass a bit

Oso I think it just got more bloated… I can just leave it alone if it’s not having difficulty swimming or eating right..? Will it’s belly just burst one day and die…
You must consider the possibility of something infectious.

And also I would tend to think that the fish is in pain for sure.

Fish wont show any sign of weakness until the very end... Because showing signs is a guarantee to become picked upon and rejected until death.

At this point I would euthanize it, I don't approve letting a fish die from that kind of severe bloat, just because it eats and acts normally.
I’ve had another tank which was covered in algae too that was string like..? It was like a net ish structure with vv thin strands. Thats probably not Cyanobacteria right..?
The stringy algae would be filamentous algae and is a true algae, whereas blue green algae is a photosynthetic bacteria (bacteria that can photosynthesise like a plant).

Oso I think it just got more bloated… I can just leave it alone if it’s not having difficulty swimming or eating right..? Will it’s belly just burst one day and die…
If it's getting worse euthanise it. It will be painful for the fish if it's growing.
Sorry for the absence was kinda busy with irl stuff

I don’t think it’s getting bigger so far but it hasn’t gotten smaller. Should I euthanise it..? I’ve heard of using clove oil but I don’t exactly have access to it so might ice bath work..? It’s a small fish I mean- I’m a bit scared to use blunt force to kill it…

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