Bloated Betta, Advice Please!

I'm having the exact same problem with my Betta. I've been trying peas and salt baths, will let you know if I get something to work.
By the way I found this very interesting reading- I think I might have been overfeeding my guy :(
Hi guys,

My betta is still bloated even after fasting for a week! I've given him small pieces of pea in between fasting him but he's still not been to the toilet and he's still bloated. He seems happy but I'm concerned that his condition isn't improving. Does anyone have any advice?
sorry no advice but ive a female betta and she looks as bloated as yours but i thought this was her normal shape. She did get bigger before and i thought there was a problem then but she went back to the size she is now with no treatment just a reduced diet i feed her freeze died blood worm (just a few every 2 days) and flake which i dont soak ive never heard of doing this before.

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