
Why am I browsing a fish forum at 2am?
Oct 28, 2003
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Camarillo, CA
My bettas abdomen is really really huge. There are no scales sticking out yet, but it looks like they might start to soon. He didn't eat but 2 pellets last night which is really weird and he is really swolen in his belly. What is the best to treat this with? I need responses fast!!!
If he does have dropsy, the diagnosis isn't good. :/ Make sure his water is very, very clean.... and since you caught it early, it might be worth it to try tetracycline. Also a little salt.... Otherwise, maybe he's just constipated! Is he poopin? If not, try givin him some pea (thawed and deshelled), sometimes works wonders.
Like it said above, if he has dropsy he probably isn't going to live :sad: . You can try tetracyclin, but dropsy is rarely caused by bacteria so it probably won't help. Give him the best possible care and water, and if it is his time to go then you might want to euthanize him. :sad: :sad:
How old is he?
I agree with the other two responses. Definitely put him in clean water right away if you haven't done so already.

My Samson is prone to swim bladder disease (actually, in his case, usually brought on by constipation), so I have to take extra care with him to make sure his water is clean...more so than my others.

I came home from work yesterday to find him bloated and on his side. Since his case is constipation, I usually, after doing a clean water change, put a few some Epsom salt into his water...great as a laxative and drawing out toxins. And it works fairly quickly....this morning he was slim and trim, swimming upright, and most importantly was pooping. :)

I sincerely hope it's not dropsy...I lost my girl Pinkie to that.

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