Bleeding Hearts..not really ick


Fish Fanatic
Oct 12, 2004
Reaction score
NWT, Canada
I've just spent the last hour flipping through and cross-referencing to death my A-Z of tropical fish disease book. One of my bleeding hearts hasnt' been eatting much lately and it seems he's become so emaciated he's actually got a "notch" where his belly kinda like this ---> ^ <--- and to top it off he's got a white spot on his side that sticks out far enough that is doesn't look like ick almost like a worm poking out or something. I haven't had ick since just after christmas and nothing new has been added to either of my tanks since just before christmas (hence the ick). I don't really want to isolate since there are just the two (which isn't enough to begin with) and if I isolate them together and it is a contagious disease I'd be giving one a death sentance. Any ideas on what this could be? I'm worried about my little guy, he looks pitiful :-(

water is Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 10 temp 23-24C
He seems to be active, no clamped fins, no colour changes/not pale, not hiding or hanging in corners. His belly looks like the first link, thou the spot doesn't look like a pustule, more like a ick spot that's sticking out too far to be an ick spot, could very well be ick, though it doesn't seem likely. Is there any way of recovering the sunk-in belly?
I'm no expert but it could be a patch of fungus as they are raised not flat like whitespot. Is there anyway you can take a picture? Does it look a bit like cotton wool???

You also might have more luck if you post in the emergency section.
The bump disappeared :huh: I'm feeling a bit stupid, it could have just been a scale sticking out..I think I'm done freaking out now :S . None of the other fish have any spots and all seems well, though I am worried about his belly. I'll post a pic of him later tonight if I can, sorry guys.

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