Bleeding hearts are among my favourite tetras, but they are a little on the aggressive side. This makes them ideal for combining with, say, angels, dwarf cichlids, or South American puffers, but I wouldn't keep them in a small aquarium with very placid species like glowlights or neons. How big is your tank? Do the smaller fish have places to hide?
BHs should also be kept in reasonable numbers. Six will do the trick nicely. Males have longer dorsal fins and are apt to be a bit more bullish. Even in a group, there will be constant fighting, with fish displaying to one another (flicking fins, head-to-tail) and lots of chasing. They never become totally quiet fish like some other tetras. They're always on the go.
I keep mine with glassfish, hatchetfish, halfbeaks, and puffers and they all seem to get along fine.