Bleaching In Some Spots On Lr

I GOT MY NEW LIGHT! :yahoo: :- :band: :hyper: I just one bulb on atm, but man oh man, what a HUGE difference! My hammies immediatley reacted to the stroger light by opening up double what they were and intensifying there colors! I am going to try the pic loading dohicky thing a mabob, but be warned, my pics will not be as good as my hubs.

I am soo happy to finally have ENOUGH light! :friends: :yahoo: :thanks: Thanks for your guidance, L :blush: :wub:
<div style="width:480px;text-align:right;"><embed width="480" height="360" src="" flashvars="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" /><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" style="border:none;" /></a><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

Well, shoot! That was supposed to pics! :X :S :look: :blush: :blink: :crazy:


So everybody was like super happy for like 30 minutes and was then like , "it burns, the sun, it burns!" and everything pulled in. So I scrimped enough money together together to buy distilled water from wal-mart and begged salt from LFS, and did a 10 gallon water change, plus a re-model on the tank. My rocks are more spread out and lower to the bottom with the paly's sitting right on the floor.

My hammies are quickly losing their green color and picking up a really pretty pink color, with an almost magenta color at the base. Is this a sign of happiness? :look: The pics on the post above this one show the white spots on the paly's that i think are lit bit of sunburn, but now they are partially protected by a rocky overhang and are purpling up nicely.

I can only imagine it's like a cloudy day for most of your life and all of a sudden, BLAMO! Bright blazing sun. :crazy:

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