Blackout Complete

Right, lets use the example you gave
1tbs of khp204 to 500ml of water =0.11ppm the target which i think for the week is 5.1ppm

So you add 1tbs of KHP2O4 to 500ml. Now adding 1ml of this solution raises the PO4 level in your 180lt tank by 0.11ppm. So do to get the desired say 2ppm of PO4 in the tank, you need to add 18.18181818ml :)lol:) of the solution to the tank.


Then each time you need to dose macros add 18ml to of that solution to the tank.

Now, to make things easier I suggest you make up the stock solution so that 1ml adds 0.5ppm PO4 to the tank Rather than having to mess around with 0.11ppm. This would be achieved by adding (according to the chuck) 4.5 tablespoons of the KHP2O4 to the 500ml water.

Hope that helps?

Now, to make things easier I suggest you make up the stock solution so that 1ml adds 0.5ppm PO4 to the tank Rather than having to mess around with 0.11ppm. This would be achieved by adding (according to the chuck) 4.5 tablespoons of the KHP2O4 to the 500ml water.
right i think i know what your saying,so each ml of this solution will give me 0.5ppm,which if i dose 3ml of this 3 x a week will give me 4.5 is that correct
yes over the week you would add 4.5ppm to the tank. I would probably aim for 6ppm though, so 2ppm each time to dose or 4ml of the 0.5ppm solution.


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