Blackout Complete


Fish Fanatic
Aug 26, 2007
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View attachment 49154well my blackout to combat bga is now complete,ive had to remove a fair amount of plants as they where beyound ill visit my lfs tomorrow to restock on my plants
ive taken a few pics not sure if the quality is that good but ill upload them any way.


  • P1010004.JPG
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few more pics


  • tank.jpg
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Looking good :) glad the blackout seems to have worked

Yes it looks very good and clean, hope it stays away now.
BGA is a term we use to describe Blue Green Algae. It's not actually an algae but a cyanobacteria that is able to photosynthesise.

A backing :blink: Er, no. I can't see any benefit besides the aesthetics.
BGA is a term we use to describe Blue Green Algae. It's not actually an algae but a cyanobacteria that is able to photosynthesise.

A backing :blink: Er, no. I can't see any benefit besides the aesthetics.

ahhh ok :)
I've not algae quibbles so I doubt it's anything that'll bother me :)
I'm only wanting black for aesthetics anyways....woo!
well i think the bga is starting to return,ill keep a close eye in the tank over the next few days
Remember that KNO3 dosing. You want to prevent the BGA. Prevention better than cure.
well its definately coming back,so im going to order my dry ferts today and use the ei method,like you say,prevention is better than cure
well ive just ordered my dry ferts
potasium phosphate(monobasic)
potasium nitrate
trace elements
2x 500ml dispensing containers,im going to follow the ei dosing as instructed in james'c estimative article
i have a 180ltr tank,so please feel free to correct me if i have the dosing wrong.
30ml kno3 3x a week
18ml kh2po4 3x a week
10ml traces 3x a week
The rate of dosing for N and P depends on the strength of the stock solution you make with the dry ferts.

Have you got chucks calculator?

ive checked chucks calculator,and im going to use the measuring spoon method as i have no scales
1tbs of khp204 to 500ml of water =0.11ppm the target which i think for the week is 5.1ppm
1tbs of kno3 to 500ml of wtar =0.07ppm the target is 5ppm which i think is for the week again
this is the part i dont understand,how much of each should i add to get to this target
how much did the ferts cost and where do u get them from?
got the ferts from aqua essentials,the price varies on how much you order

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