Black Widow Tetra


New Member
Feb 25, 2006
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I Resently Got Some More Fish For my Tank
Among these Fsh I Purchased 2 Black Widow Tetra
They Seem to have settled in well with their tank mates

I need to know how to Sex them/Breed/General Care Advice Please Help Also if you have info/advice about the following fish in my tank it would be greatly appreciated

5 White Danios
1 Zebra Danio(New)
1 Leopard Danio(New)
2 Black Widdows(New)
2 Female Guppys(New)
4 Neon Tetra(3 New)
2 Glowlight Tetra(New)
3 Unknown Tetra!
And LURCH my Sucking Loach

They all Get on Well!
watch the black widow tetras as they might chew the fins on the guppies. You are best keeping tetras, barbs and danios in groups consisting of at least 6 individuals of their own kind. In smaller groups they don't behave naturally and can stress out.
To sex most tetras the males are smaller and slimmer and the females are larger and fatter. They get fatter because of the eggs in their body. Danios and barbs are the same, however in many barbs the males are more brightly coloured than the females. Male fish will also display to each other. They raise their fins and swim next to each other showing off.
Guppies and danios generally like water with a neutral to slightly alkaline PH (between 7.0 & 7.8 ) The tetras prefer slightly acid water, (PH below 7.0). Keep the PH around 7 and they should all be ok.
most terta's fin nip the only ones ive seen that havint are the neon tetra a dont forget tetra's are a schooling fish

good luck
I keep a small group of these (5).

When i first got them i was told the bigger ones, particularly stomach wise are females... but it's hard when they're young!

Mine are now about 4 months old and you can really see the difference. I've got 3 males who are all quite small in size, whilst the 2 females are much bigger and have reeeeeally fat stomachs!

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