That's your problem right there. A male fish named Sophie. You confused your fish by giving him a her name, shame on youEveryone gets along wonderfully, except for Sophie, whom tries to mate with two of the boys in particular. The other boys dont harass the girls near as much as I would figure, and all but one of the females is pregnant, I believe one is sterile. She is very obviously a different shape then the others, with a very faint gravid spot, skinny and long shaped like a boy, but definitely no gonod.
Not sure why Sophie tries to do two of the boys, both of which are Multi-Color orange/blue/yellow/black delta tails. I know for sure he is indeed trying to mate with them, as he sticks his equipment out, holds it forward with a fin, and darts towards the males anal fin with it.
As for the possibly sterile female, it could have worms. Try deworming the tank and see if it makes any difference. And post a picture of her. There is a muscle wasting disease (Microsporidia) that affects shrimp and fish and can be identified as a pale white or opaque colour to their muscle tissues. You can see it through the skin of the fish.
If you can post a pic we can check her