Black ruby barbs


Fish Crazy
Sep 2, 2003
Reaction score
Hertfordshire, England
Just wondering how these are in a community tank, behavior wise? Are they like tiger barbs? They would be in a tank with neons and dwarf gouramis and a pair of rams. Thought I'd better do some research before I buy any but I really like the look of them.
Barbus nigrofasciatus, (Ruby, Black Ruby, ******, Purple Headed), is a much milder mannered fish than B. tetrazona, (Tiger). A shoaling fish thus happiest in groups. Tends to stay nearer the bottom of the tank then tetrazona. Like most barbs, likes a well panted tank, but with adequate swimming space - it is not a fish that spends all day lurking in the plants! Try to get at least 2 males. The males often show their best colouration when 2 males are doing the "spiral dance routine" where they colour up magnificantly and swim around and around each other displaying - often better colouration than when breeding! Same is true of B. conchonius, (Rosy), also incidently.

Nice fish.
Hey James! I don't own black ruby barbs, but i own 4 Rosy barbs in a community tank(look at signature)and Lateral mentioned they're almost alike so i thought i'd drop u my advice. I also have neons and glowlights and they are never bothered by them. The Rosy barbs just ignore them really. My barbs would rather prefer swimmming the current or eating off the bottom and my plants. Even when i first had one Barb by itself, it still didn't show signs of aggressiveness. They are one of my favorite fish!
You can view my barbs in my community tank here:

Good luck with the fish!
The ruby's are really awesome when they do the spinny thing. :cool: god knows how they don't get dizzy and crash into the side of the tank????

The colour change is really quite amazing, in just a couple of minutes they go from being pale to total blackness with that bright red head.

Is it just my ruby's or do your ruby's look to have a really reflective shiny bits on the sides?
If you mean things catch the light like little mirrors, they are guanine crystals in the skin. Many fish have them, some have been line bred to increase the number. I have seen some barbs recently, (rosy and golden), that look like they are covered with them.

The first time I saw the spiral dance routine, I thought one of my parents had sneaked some new fish into my tank! The colour change is so great - I couldn't see what these two jewels spinning around could possibly be.
They're quite a common fish but as I pointed out earlier in the thread - they have a whole list of common names, probably more than I listed in fact. Also, in dealers tanks where they are crowded and stressed out - they don't really look like much - most people look straight passed them.

Once you know they'll be a permenant fixture - they're great little things.
Ok I am getting a new tank a 30gallon tank......maybe even a 55g

and my fish are to be split as so

old tank
6 pentazonas
8 neons

new tank
2 angels
rosy tetras
black phantom tetras

These barbs seem very interesting, are they likely to be compatible for the fish in the old (barb) tank?
Yup - I would say so. They are a pretty peaceful species. Get 5-6 of them.

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