Black Phantom


Fish Crazy
Aug 7, 2004
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Anyone have experience with Black Phantom Tetras?

Man are they ever pretty. I am not talking about the Black Skirt Tetras..... :hey:

Anyhow, I just bought a school of 6 neons and 2 phantom tetras. In a few days they should settle in and color up.

well put themm in a bigger shcool of say 5, black phantoms like to be kept in an odd number.

anyway i have never seen a tank that housed neons and black phantoms. huh.
They are actually quite pretty together. When I went to our LFS today I was going for black skirt tetras and then I seen the phantoms and neons together and wow, were they ever pretty.

I will add more phantoms in time..... :D
I have 3 boys and 5 girls in my 50 Gallon tank,they are so active and the males are always flashing at each other ,they really extend their fins. they also Spawn quite often, the eggs are usually eaten though.

Great little fish! Get a larger shoal! :nod:
I've got a shoal of 6 black phantoms and 12 neons and i love them. Trust me to get the delinquent ones - i've been vacuuming my gravel today and the phantoms kept on headbutting the vacuum trying to catch the lighter stones floating at the top. They then got the neons involved. their lucky they didn't get sucked up. Mine are quite tame.
Well I added 2 more phantoms today. I now have 4 small phantoms and 6 neons. Our LFS had the bigger full grown phantoms, are they ever pretty. I never really took much interest in the tetras before, I always had the livebearers, angels etc. But I always said that when I started my freshwater back up it would be for tetras only and some nice colored ones too.

I would not mind adding a few more neons in time, I always wait for our 2 for 1 sale here. Another thing I did with this tank is use my coralife 50/50 florescent screw in lights on this tank that I use to use on my salt wate before I went to my bigger tank for that. It shows up their colors so beautifully. Lights can really make a fish...... :hey:

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