Black Phantom Tetras


New Member
May 24, 2021
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New to the group and a fairly new to fishkeeping.

I have a group of 8 Black Phantom Tetras 2 male 6 females.
The females seem to group In and around the stem plants and the males on the outskirts of the group being chased away the second they go near the group of females... is this normal?

I have a planted 123L tank with a low to moderate flow and 2 air stones, water parameters are good.
Black Phantom Tetras have a “pecking order”, so it doesn’t surprise me.

Getting more males may even out the odds.
Black Phantom Tetras have a “pecking order”, so it doesn’t surprise me.

Getting more males may even out the odds.
Ahh I always presumed a 2 or 3 /1 ratio was the way to go.

Maybe over thinking things as there is no fighting just get out of our ladies only zone.

They certainly are fun to watch almost like a spaniel the way they turn to look at things.
With this species, Hyphessobrycon megalopterus (Black Phantom Tetra), you should have a roughly even gender split, so I would acquire four or five more males. You have the tank space, these are not active swimmers, and the interactions of the males displaying will be worth it.

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