Black Phantom Tetra (Megalamphodus Megalopterus)


Fish Fanatic
Apr 30, 2010
Reaction score
Kendal South Lakes England
Been looking to add the last lot of fish to my tank and was thinking of a little school of Black Phantom Tetra :fish:

pH: 6.0 - 7.5
Hardness: to 18 dGH
Temperature: 72-82 F (22-28 C)

Adult Size: 1.75 inches (4.5 cm)
Social: Peaceful schooling fish
Lifespan: 5 years
Tank Level: Mid dweller

I was told they will do fine when kept in a group of 4 or 5 individuals?

As anyone had these fish and what are they like as a tank mates, I have up to now 2 Platys 4 Honey Gouramis 2 Preal Gouramis and all get one peacefully.
sounds good to me :good: I'd say 6-7 though.

Thank's :) as i was in one of the best LFS close to me today and they said the fish should be fine together and did give me a little information about them :) but we all know about most LFS what they tell you :) I was going to get some corys but thought I'll wait until i get my other tank with a same bottom, when i come back from holiday next month :) Is there any bottom fish that will not get hurt by small gravel?
I got 3 and they hang together but now as much as the tiger barbs
They're good and hardy fish. Keep it in a group of at least 3.
If you've got the room, then I'd add at least 6 as they can be quite shy when kept in small numbers :good:
Yesterday I went to my LFS and did not have any B.P.T in so I got the Black Window Tetra 7 in all and what a super fish up to now very friendly with the other fish and happy being together with my Honey Gourami swing together. Hope I made a good chose as i got the information from P@H. But when i put them in the tank not out of the bag i done a quick research on them and found out 90% they are friendly to tank mates and if any pecking it will be playful with each other of the B.W.T. If anyone had or got these fish will be nice to know what your B.W.T were like :)

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