Black Neon Tetras Or Rosy Tetras?


Fish Fanatic
Jun 3, 2009
Reaction score
Walsall, UK.
hi its me again lol on an earlier thread i was advised to get a shoal of black neon tetras when i get my new set-up up and running to go with my angelfish, swordtails and julli cory's because they are bigger than normal tetras on the stockist website i am buying them off i saw some Rosy tetra's which the website says is 1cm bigger than the black neons would they be a viable substitute? as the website says they are bigger and more active ect plus they are rather pretty little things lol

hi its me again lol on an earlier thread i was advised to get a shoal of black neon tetras when i get my new set-up up and running to go with my angelfish, swordtails and julli cory's because they are bigger than normal tetras on the stockist website i am buying them off i saw some Rosy tetra's which the website says is 1cm bigger than the black neons would they be a viable substitute? as the website says they are bigger and more active ect plus they are rather pretty little things lol


personally i would go with penguin tetras as i had black neons and they were no where near as active as the penguins and peguins get to a nice size.
ill put some thought into them superman thanks for the advice :)

plus i think neons need slightly softer water then the penguins. which i personally found hard to achive even with those big bits of wood in the tank.
Yeah it do's say that on the description so i guess penguins it is hehe
Penguins are more active, but black neons are more pretty and just as adaptable/hardy, don't worry about keeping them in soft water, they by no means need it.
Penguins are more active, but black neons are more pretty and just as adaptable/hardy, don't worry about keeping them in soft water, they by no means need it.
Interesting 3-fingers! How would you compare black neons to neon tetras or cardinal tetras? Do they have similar sensitivity to being transported home or to new tanks as many of us have experienced and heard repeated? I've never had black neons but I do like their look!


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