The black neon seemed to got better until i did my water change today. Once i was done i realised he was laying on the gravel. I quickly moved him into my q tank i got a video of him just its not great quality go to youtube and look up irishlad123 4
Was he breathing that hard before you moved him? Has the hole gotten any larger or about the same? Keep the water clean and add 1 tablespoon of aquarium salt dissolved in a little tank water. Be sure it’s dissolved before adding so it doesn’t burn the fish. Aquarium salt helps improve gill function and reduces stress.
Yes she was shes constantly breathing rapidly.the hole has stayed the same size but it looks like now that there's a cut trailing to his mouth. It looks like his jaw is out of place and she isn't eating much and when he does she kinda spits it out again. Her stomach also has sunken in