Hi all as you can probably tell I am new to the site & would like some advice as the internet seems to give you about 9 different answers for 1 single question!
I will try be as brief as possible!
I went to my local pet shop Friday & bought a black moor & oranda, I told him I had a 30ltr bowl & asked if this would suffice, he said yes...
I then went to another larger pet shop who said no they wont survive in there due to oxygen needs etc so I ended up buying a 65ltr tank with under gravel filter thingy, some plants, gravel etc.
Got the tank set up, cleaned the stones for 3 hours, put water in, put the aqua safe in, fired the filter up & let it sit for about 36 hours.
During this time my bowl still housed my new mates & I had changed a bit of the water to get rid of the cloud that was now appearing.
Now rehomed my mates, Pepe & Piggy, sorry no I cant explain those names & they seemed happy enough.
Yesterday I noticed the Oranda had a little 'whitespot' near his eye so I ordered some Tetra Goldmed as I understand this is good for it... today it seems to have got worse, a couple more close by. Still waiting on the Goldmed... should I just go buy some from the shop?
Neither of the fish seem to be swimming oddly & the Oranda is like a mobile food cleaner (they are on stress zyme for now & a bit of bloodworm) poor Pepe the Blackmoor seems to get the scraps! I had noticed also today that the blackmoor chases the Oranda round the tank & kind of butts/kisses him which I found a bit weird, is this normal, is it a sign of affection, does he know the Oranda isnt well??
Finally I would like to ask a few Q's please so here goes...
1. Should these guys be together in a tank or would I be better with 2 of the same?
2. Does the water need to be at a certain temperature other than room temp, I've read all sorts from the net?
3. If it is Whitespot, which I guess it sounds like it could be do I need to do anything other than a partial water change & add the goldmed?
That's all for now folks!!
Any advice would be greatly appreciated
I will try be as brief as possible!
I went to my local pet shop Friday & bought a black moor & oranda, I told him I had a 30ltr bowl & asked if this would suffice, he said yes...
I then went to another larger pet shop who said no they wont survive in there due to oxygen needs etc so I ended up buying a 65ltr tank with under gravel filter thingy, some plants, gravel etc.
Got the tank set up, cleaned the stones for 3 hours, put water in, put the aqua safe in, fired the filter up & let it sit for about 36 hours.
During this time my bowl still housed my new mates & I had changed a bit of the water to get rid of the cloud that was now appearing.
Now rehomed my mates, Pepe & Piggy, sorry no I cant explain those names & they seemed happy enough.
Yesterday I noticed the Oranda had a little 'whitespot' near his eye so I ordered some Tetra Goldmed as I understand this is good for it... today it seems to have got worse, a couple more close by. Still waiting on the Goldmed... should I just go buy some from the shop?
Neither of the fish seem to be swimming oddly & the Oranda is like a mobile food cleaner (they are on stress zyme for now & a bit of bloodworm) poor Pepe the Blackmoor seems to get the scraps! I had noticed also today that the blackmoor chases the Oranda round the tank & kind of butts/kisses him which I found a bit weird, is this normal, is it a sign of affection, does he know the Oranda isnt well??
Finally I would like to ask a few Q's please so here goes...
1. Should these guys be together in a tank or would I be better with 2 of the same?
2. Does the water need to be at a certain temperature other than room temp, I've read all sorts from the net?
3. If it is Whitespot, which I guess it sounds like it could be do I need to do anything other than a partial water change & add the goldmed?
That's all for now folks!!
Any advice would be greatly appreciated