Black Molly Question


New Member
Apr 17, 2004
Reaction score
East Coast, USA
I was curious if anyone had an idea of how many black mollys would fit comfrotably in a established 5 Gallon tank, with a few live plants, heater, and 70 GPH filter?
Well I have to say 3 atleast since the reproduced fast because there livebearers, Duh I bet u knew that, But they need salt and need Highish temperature around the 80's when deeling with ICH around 84 degrees Fareinheit, I want u to know that balck mollies are ver very vonarable to ICH and popeye so be ready to have some salt. :)
In a 5 gal tank I'd put none. They can grow to 2.5-3 inches, no fish that big should be kept in only a 5 gal. I'd go for, say, a 20 gal instead.
IMO, a 5 gallon tank is too small for any kind of molly.
in my 5g I have 2 female mollies and 1 male plus a male betta they seem very happy together. Will be going bigger soon. Have some molly fry in a net.
10 gallon tanks here are only $10 because they're so popular, and the only thing that's more expensive for the 10 gallon is the hood. I agree that a 20 gallon would be better, but IMO 5 is too small for livebearers.
You'll probably find that you and the fish will be happier with a slightly larger tank B)
Just wanna add, i find with black mollies which was already said before about ICH and i'd like to add WHITE SPOTS!! They seem to be pron to this!!

Goodluck Joe!

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