black light


Mar 31, 2004
Reaction score
Wiltshire, UK
hi :thumbs:

I dont know too much about this as yet so any information will be a great help, but I was asked by a friend about putting 'black light' flourescent tubes on to a tank to act as moonlight simulation and to enhance the colours of the fish. Can this be done?? Will it harm the fish??

many thanks

Cava :fish:
They use a lot of power for very little visible light thus are pretty hopeless over a tank. They will not enhance fish colour. Fish are coloured by reflecting or refracting incoming light of regular colour - no incoming light, no colour. "Black Lights" make things that fluoresce show colours, that is not the case with fish, (unless they have been artificially dyed).

It is possible long term exposure to the UV in these lights will affect the eyes, and ultimately probably the skin, although the UV will not penetrate the water very far - water absorbs UV. Surface swimming fish will be more likely affected, Panchax, Hatchets, Pantodons, Anableps etc.

All in all putting a black light over a tank is at best a waste of time/power at worst potentially dangerous.

Search the boards, there have been several "black light" threads.

If you want a moonlight effect, look at LED's or cold cathode lights - again, search the board, it is a subject that comes up every couple of weeks.
many thanks Lateral. I am not very good at searching on this site for some reason - its just me, I'll try harder.

I am thinking of installing some moonlight lights as my fish do not like the sudden darkness they are plunged into when the tank lights go off at night. Do Juwel do cut-down hood lids or do I just cut them down myself??

Cava :fish:
You have to cut them yourself.

But if you want a moonlight LED, they are very small and can just be stuck under the lid.


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