Black Lancer Catfish (bagrichthys Macracanthus)


I'm a girl.
Dec 19, 2005
Reaction score
Orlando, FL, USA
Some black lancers have become available and I have always been interested in one, but I am afraid that it may be too timid for the fish that I have now and will get later.

The fish I have currently are:

Synodontis decorus
2 x Satanoperca jurupari (Jurupari cichlids)
Cious microlepis (Datnoid)
Polypterus senegalus
Polypterus ornatipinnis
Apteronotus albifrons
Some random unknown catfish

I am getting 6 Geophagus sp. "Red Head" Tapajos next week and eventually I will be getting two more Polypterus sp. The only fish that I am worried about messing with the Lancer are the decorus and the datnoid. The datnoid would only pester it when I first put the cat in, but I am afraid that the decorus will be too aggressive/territorial for the little lancer.

What do you all think?

EDIT: This is a 125gl.

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