black knife ghost fish

I've heard that they are a very sensitive fish to bad water conditions and meds and the such. My experience (although only one instance, so take it for what its worth) is that they hold up fairly well.
I had a bout with bad water condtions and resulting problems and the bgk was the only one to make it through it. (I did 1/2 the dosage as instructed for scaleless fish)

I don't see mine as much as I'd like, but man its hypnotic when I do.
good luck
I bought my BGK back in january when he was barely over 3 inches in mid-june, he's around 7.5 inches. I guess you could say mine grows pretty quickly. I wouldn't say I overfeed him either, just 1 cube of bloodworms each night before I go to bed. We'll see how much bigger he gets, I'm interested to see how much larger he is at the one year mark.

Let start off by saying: I AM NOT ATTACKING YOU! I am just informing you of what happened to me. I have to ask, how heavily planted is your tank? Maybe your BGK is leary of the Firemouths. I made the mistake of puting a BGK in my 55 gal(US) with 2 FM's (m/f) and all I recieved was 1-Dead BGK, 4 Dead Bala Sharks. I don't know if I had enough room for the other fish to co-exist with the FM's or if they starved to death because of compition for food, but I did notice a few marks on the the dead fish to include the BGK. I have since moved the FM's out of the big tank and have it stocked with 4 Congo Tetras (lost one last week), 3 Glass cats (getting 3 more in July), 2 pairs of Dwarf Gouramis, a Marble and a Candy Stripped Pleco. Everyone seems very happy right now and the water parameters look great. SO, I think I have found compatible tank mates for all involved. I hope this helps, and I would keep an eye on the FM, especially if you have a male and female because if they do pair up and breed, their aggression level may lead to less fish in youur tank. Also, they may view the smaller fish in the tank as food when they grow larger.

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