Black Khuli Loaches


Apr 20, 2008
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Got 3 black khulis and 3 striped khuli's whilst the striped have seemingly dissapeared either as expected in the shadows dug in the sand or in an ADFs stomach. The black khuli's have really surprised me though they are like rockets constantly chasing each other round the tank, they are more active then any other fish in my tank; endlers, albino corys, peppered corys, black cory, ADFs and Betta crowntail. Wondering if this is normal behaviour for them to be rockets even with full tank lights blaring.
yes black khulis do tend to be more active and appear more often than their stripey counterparts although in our 40l tank we see our stripey khulis out & about all the time - guess they feel safe, they live with a betta, & panda,melista& juli corys & have lots of hidey holes,pipes & caves. make sure yours have lots of places to hide and you will see alll of them more often. even a cut off bit of hosepipe will become a fv khuli hangout...great little fish we love ours :)
Yes they're crazy to put it simply. Very entertaining fish for sure! :) I have 1 poor lone black khuli loach who's friend kinda.. 'vanished' :( I never found him.. nor a body or anythin.. searched the tank and the room for a corpse but nothing :( Am afraid he possibly jumped out whilst I was transferring my fish to their new tank and my back was turned.. in which case my cat possibly had him :rip: I've seen them both wriggle around the tank so much sometimes.. up the sides and splash at the top that it wouldnt suprise me if he'd jumped out.
Anyway the remaining one.. even though he's the only khuli in my new tank is still crazy... he generally hides in the morning... then.. once he's about that's it.. he's crazy. I'm hoping to get him a friend though soon when my local aquatics get some more in stock.. but he doesnt seem in the slightest for the worst without other khuli friends.
Just be sure to keep the tank covered so not to make my mistake. :good:

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