Black Ghost?

Captain Nemo

New Member
Jul 8, 2004
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Saw a fish in the pet store called "Black Ghost" for $25. Very curious fish, but don't know anything about it. How big does it get? What is it like? Is it worth buying?
they grow up to 25" (49 cm), are nocturnal, needs lots of hiding places, likes fast moving waters (or so ive heard), my friend had one and she said that she taught hers to eat tubifex worms from her hand unbder water of course :cool: If you have a big enough tank with lost of plants and even clay tubes (they like them) then id say go for it
BGK will be fine with Balas. I had one in my big tank with tiger barbs, id sharks, balas and more and the bgk didnt bother nothing. I just moved him to his own 25 gal. for now cause i added african cichlids in my big tank and didnt want to take the chance of them eating the bgk. They are amazing fish, but if u dont have a clear pvc pipe or a cave in the front of ur tank, u will never see them unless u turn on the light in the middle of the night. Only problems i ever had was one of my cories missing an eye. Cant prove it was the bgk, but read that eyes are a favorite snack for bgk. I think ur balas will be fine with one if ur tank is big enough.
Speaking of corys, don't they have amazing eyes?!

Do these Black ghosts have any relation to Elephant Nose fish? They look somewhat similar.

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