"Black Ghost Knife" VS the "Shrimp"!!!


New Member
Jul 29, 2005
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:/ Hi Guys, little worried over here....

Got a very nice Black Ghost knife, who is about 6-7 inches in length... but i also have a number of smaller fish and new fish such as tetra, and frogs/shrimp... who have been going missing...

Do you think that they stand much of a chance against the Ghost Knife or do you think they are in trouble?????????????

irgent response needed if possible...

Nick :sad:
Nick, I would have to say that your BGK may very well be the individual responsible for your disappearing fish. At 6-7" in length, the BGK has a rather large mouth compared to it's appearence, the other fish maybe in grave danger....
Yup, take my advice, get rid of it before you get too attached - I had the same problem, sold it on Saturday which was very hard.

Definately the most likely cause of any disappearances!
Thanks Guys, Mystery Solved... he has been swiftly changed to my other tank. real shame he was such an entertaining character in there... can anyone suggest some more friendly easygoing fish with querky behavior????? :)
Guitar17 said:
upside down catfish.i had one it played alot and then it just died for no reason but it awesome i think i might get another.

What does that have to do with the topic? :clap:
Reserch your fish a little before you purchase them is the answer.

I have a black ghost knife and must say it is a lovely fish.
It is not the fishes fault it ate the other fish.
The one i have has guppys in with it and it has not ate them even though thats what they were put in there for. Maybe it is because I feed it chopped prawn, blood worm etc. Rather than a pinch of flake and watch it starve to death.
Nick4881 said:
:/ Hi Guys, little worried over here....

Got a very nice Black Ghost knife, who is about 6-7 inches in length... but i also have a number of smaller fish and new fish such as tetra, and frogs/shrimp... who have been going missing...

Do you think that they stand much of a chance against the Ghost Knife or do you think they are in trouble?????????????

irgent response needed if possible...

Nick :sad:
Hi...I have to agree with the reply above mine. I have a BGK and these are lovely fish. Mine is in a 4ft tank with many small fish eg, tetras, barbs etc and it has never ate any ov my fish. I have a tube in the tank for it and when i feed my fish i make sure my BGK gets fed some blood worm and shrimp brine by holding food in my hand at entrance to its appartment lol. Theres no questioning if there was a problem i know i d have to move smaller fish cos theres no way my BGK would be going anywhere he is a totally amazing fish to watch. People even laugh when i say it lies on its back to rest or rolls on its side I'm sure they think I am going mad ! worth it thou.

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