Black Ghost Knife Attitude


This shrimp is so good it needs to be seen in wide
Sep 16, 2003
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My BGK doesn't seem to eat the way he used to for the last 4 days. Usually when I feed, he comes out to eat straight away, but he has not been doing that for about 4 days now. Is there a reason for this? I put the food in his cave and he did eat it, so he seems to be fine, but he has not come out to eat for a while, thats just my worry. What could it be?
As they get older they become more and more nocturnal and reluctant to come out of hiding while the lights are on. The best way to view nocturnal fish like knife fish and catfish is by fitting the tank with a small red bulb or a blue "moonlight" tube.
Do you mean as they get used to the tank? Because I got my bgk about a 2 months ago, and he never did this for the whole time. Or has the time just sparked in by coincidence?
Most fish will be more active in the first few weeks of being introduced to a new tank as they explore and get to know their new surroundings, indeed i have had many catfish which i have seen daily for the first few weeks only to have them disapeer and not be seen again until i happen to pick up the rock or piece of wood they are hiding beneath. It certainly sounds like your BGK has decided that he likes his new home well enough and has gone into its normal bahaviour pattern.
I agree with CFC. you could try turning the lights out and then putting some food in and he may come out. thats what I do with a ot of my fish and some of them come out, but there again most of them will only come out when I leave the
room.......... I think :ninja: :p
I can recomend the blue moonlight tube, Its great to sit a dark room with just that on, and watch your nocturnal fish.

David :fish:
If he does not want to come out then don't feed him. He will come out when he gets hungery. And mine comes out at the smallest things. I just turn on the kitchen sink and he thinks it is dinner time. Just do a water change and don't YOU change anything. HE wILL come out when he is hungery. Mine is like a fine woman....mood every once in a while but still worth having. ;) :p :lol:
Ok, I will give it a shot sondon :)
I guess I should add,,,,,,I would only do this for 2 days. If at the end of 2 days he does not come up to get food then I would continue to feed him SMALL amounts in his cave. But just like us if he gets hungery....he will head for the kitchen. :lol:
Yes! It worked! Suddenly he is back to normal for some reason. I guess he was just lazy for a few days. By the way, something to take note here, on those EXACT 4 days, the temperature was at it's highest at 30C, when it is usually 26-28.
Well see then it also might have been an external thing like the temp....that is why I asked if YOU had done anything different. But they do have mood swings so you just have to roll with the ups and downs. It is good to hear though that he is back to normal.

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