I just lost my only male emperor tetra -- I left the tank uncovered stupidly and the poor guy jumped...I've been distraught. I was so looking forward to breeding them and I have been to every pet store around here and no one has them
If anyone has any, I'd love to trade or buy a male or a few juveniles for a fair price. I found them on liveaquaria.com -- but they are $7.99 each plus $35 shipping which is a little more than I can afford right now...I can send a box and shipping supplies to anyone willing to ship me some.
If anyone has any, I'd love to trade or buy a male or a few juveniles for a fair price. I found them on liveaquaria.com -- but they are $7.99 each plus $35 shipping which is a little more than I can afford right now...I can send a box and shipping supplies to anyone willing to ship me some.