This is Toby, we got him from a dog sanctuary, when we lived in Ireland. He was only abt 6 months old when we got him, and it was love at first sight! He's such a big cat,and he's got the most pathetic little squeak for a miaow!
This is Noodles, my mum's cat. He is so accident prone, they've had him 3 years, and so far, he's had both his hips smashed in a road accident, he ripped his thigh open, and he's been bitten by a dog twice! Lucky they've got pet insurance.
This is Thomas, (not strictly a black and white cat!), his owners lived in this flat before us, and didin't want him anymore, he was 17, deaf, couldn't miaow (had had his voice box removed) and had thyroid problems. We only lived with him for 5 months, but unfortunately he died in Jan after being hit by a car.