Black Calvus


New Member
Dec 21, 2002
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Stopped by the LFS and they have some gorgeous Black Calvus, 3-4 inches. I WANT THEM!! :hyper: :wub: Only problem is, no tank space! Once I unload some Peacock fry I can free up either a 50g or a 29g. If I free up the 29 I'm thinking of getting just a pair. I have a lone female L. Lelupi that I'd also keep with them. So, is the 29 big enough to keep a pair? Is just a pair a good idea? If I put them in the 50 how many could I keep and what Male/Female ratio? I'm thinking one male and 2-3 females. Should I keep just a species tank or consider some other Tanganykan tank-mates? All info/opinions gratefully accepted!

29g would be fine for a pair and that leliupi,the 50g would be even better ;)
btw out of curiosity how much are they asking for the pair?
you should get them from Cichlidmaster B)
for the 50g you can have more but they really don't like their own kind,maybe 1 male and like 3 females would work.i have a black calvus and an a.compressiceps and the calvus is always trying to beat on him,he's never ripped a fin or done any noticable damage but it's still got to be stressful.
oh!! btw the calvus will do well w/most fish except really :hyper: hyper active fish like tropheus or some crazy :crazy: malawis(mbuna)
Unfortunatly Most,

Fin is in Canada and I don't ship there. If I did I am sure we (Fin and I) would have done some business in the past.

I know Fin from another board from long ago!!!

oops :*) well :crazy: uh :blink: just thought i'd do some advertising for ya
Calvus do well with most other Tanganyikans. If they are 3 or 4 inches then they are proably about 5 years old or so. Calvus are extreamly slow growers. I keep mine with N. Buscheri, N. Bachardi, N. Lepeupi, N. Tret and Julidochromis with very few problems. As for a 29 gal a Pair would do just fine, but that would be all that I put in there. Go with the 50 gal and create a whole Tanganyikan community. Oh And i wouldn't mix lakes if I were you. Different ideas on pecking order and social orders.
Thanks for all the info everyone, the LFS is asking $60cdn per fish. Kinda spendy but you don't see Black Calvus this big for sale every day. I'm also considering getting some smaller ones. Rift Valley Breeders in Ontario have 1.5 inch F1's for $10/fish but you have to buy 55 of them! :eek:

They also have wild caughts for $48 cdn each, but then I'll have to pay for shipping, and I've heard that Calvus don't ship too well.
Calvus ship as well as any other fish.

I currently have WILD calvus available and of course they were shipped to me.

Some say Cyprichromis don't ship well either, but I have not had any problems shipping them.

It all depends on if the shipper packs them correctly. By the way, I currently ship overnight...even Cyps!!!

Hey Larry,

Are you sure you need an importer's licence or whatever it is to ship to Canada? I had some email exchanges with Armke's and they indicated that they do it all the time.... :alien:
Hey guys...check this out!!!

This is the Altolamprologus Congo black fin!! This is the darkest "black" there is!! This is the male of a WILD breeding pair I have available.


That male is about 3" at the present. His mate is about 2.5".

When I received them, I was not expecting them in the shipment. I had to place them temporarily in a 15 gallon tank.

Three days later the female was guarding eggs in the shell she took as hers. She had layed around 45 eggs and I ended up with about 40 fry.

I will check again to see what all I would need to ship to Canada. If you speak to Armkes again, ask them what paperwork is required to ship to Canada from the states.


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