Black Beard Algae?

Ah, okay. I can't remove the leaves I took off but will leave the rest.

The thing I need to do now is check my lights for an exact amount to refer to when asking questions.

Sorry for the typos, It is exhausting to compose on an android, supposedly smart, phone!
I meant if the plant was in the display aquarium at my LFS and it wasn't okay they would have removed it.
btw,Congratulations because if he sold you all that for $10? you got it close to free since I know just one of those Anubias sell for $10-12. One!
Really,don't discount how a different spectrum can make ALL the difference in the world. I see it even now in my tank where the sun hits brightest all day? No black algae..where I use lights for early day and evening?..if it grows? that's where it will grow..and grow on plants. I move a plant away that has a real problem with BBA?..the problem just about goes away.
For intenetters who read this and know their water parameters are good,so why BBA?...spectrum!
btw,Congratulations because if he sold you all that for $10? you got it close to free since I know just one of those Anubias sell for $10-12. One!
Do you see the picture?
Sorry, I meant did you see the picture...
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Yes,everything in the bag for $10 right? Anubias,Java.
Yep, as much Anubias in one swoop as I've grown in almost two years. You might go another few decades never getting that deal again.
Unless your in a fishclub,but that doesn't really count...who you know ,etc, at play-lol.

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