black arrowana


Fish Crazy
Feb 21, 2004
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hi got back from the fiosh store with a realy cool black arrowana. the fish dude says it will grow as much as i feed it but should max out at about 5cm. ive got it with my other cichlids with lots of plants what a bargain, only $ :thumbs: four 90.
Arrowanas can grow at least up to 27 inches. I think. And they will eat anything which fits into their mouths.

Arowanas get gigantic, need huge tanks, and are predatory fish. Sounds like that lfs guy screwed you :grr:

I'll do it, I'll do it!

I used to want an arrowana, did research, found out how big they grow, how much other fish they eat and thought
:lol: Oh know!!! The 10 gallon isn't even big enough to start the fish. I currently own one. They will grow to a minimum of 24" in captivity and usually more and need plenty of feeding. They can be harder to raise then other Arowanas but are considered to be smaller by some. A minimum starting tank would be a 55g which would last roughly 4-5 months. It will then soon need a minimum tank of 180 gallons, 6'x2'x2'. I would advise you to return the fish or buy a larger tank immediatly. Does it still have its egg sac attached, how big is it currently.

Moved to Oddballs. :)
What ryan said is spot on :nod:

Some good advice may be to go to another LFS from now on .The one you go to obviously has untrained staff which know nothing about the fish they carry. Also, depending on the size of the fish, it will eat just about whatever can fit in it's mouth.

Good luck :)
Wow thats amazing.
I'm glad that our LFS is small and the other 2 employees in the fish department and myself are knowledgable.
SailfinGirl said:
I'll do it, I'll do it!

I used to want an arrowana, did research, found out how big they grow, how much other fish they eat and thought
mee too at first i wanted a arrowana then i thought about it then i said no thanks.i came homw with 3 happy balloon mollies.funny thing was that they were in a tank and one of the clercs said no one else wanted i said il take them.poor things they are happy now
err oops!
should have looked it up 1st, its heaps cute but. guess ill have to take it back.
f$%k that guy gonna give him a piece of me mind. :byebye:

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