Biube/biorb Help


New Member
May 21, 2009
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Hi all,

I have a new BiUbe that is being setup currently. Now that everything is in place, I look at where the filter is and I wonder what to do. People who have a BiOrb or BiUbe can you tell me your approach or technique for filter replacement ? DO you remove any ornament you have around the bubble tube, take it out, move to the side ? Any tips or tricks would be appreciated !


There should be some members who will come along with help for this. I have seen discussions in the past in this section regarding swapping out the filtration method on these bowls.

I was under the impression that BiOrbs used Under Gravel Filtration... If that's the case you may need to empty the whole thing. But I haven't got a clue tbh...
I was under the impression that BiOrbs used Under Gravel Filtration... If that's the case you may need to empty the whole thing. But I haven't got a clue tbh...

thanks, it has gravel, but also a central filter unit with a bubble tube. As I was bullied by the kids to go for a volcano that fits around it (doesn't look as bad as you think) I can't think of an easy non destructive way to replace the filter or clean it, with out killing all the fish or giving then heart attacks !! :unsure:
You have fish in there already??

no, it is still being setup. I was just jumping ahead a month or two as to what I would do.

from what I can gather, complete unit has to come out. So decoration is removed, then filter can be removed. Seems fish don't mind this, and are quite inquisitive about it. Just need to make sure no fish swim into the filter area before you replace it ! Looks like a little trial and error on my side to get the right technique !! Thanks to Lee at

However, if anyone has any other comments, I would love to hear them

Cheers, HB
Although BiOrb gravel is the main source of bacteria, when i swapped my filter sponges i found it best to squeeze the old filter sponge and the new one in the bubble tube.
hi there i have a 30ltr biorb been running 2 weeks now .had a few problems so far but ive learnt so much from this site and others. i found that the filter is easy to remove when the cycle is complete. you need to cycle the tank without fish but i didnt do this as i was told i could put fish in after 24hrs and they both died :angry: after talking on here i was given some great advice and have now finally got my tank nearly cycled. ive got 4 neon tetras in at the mo but cant add anymore for a few weeks as the filter needs to mature. regarding the filter the manufacturer says you have to replace it every 6 weeks. apparently this is rubbish as it would strip the tank of beneficial bacteria. ive been told to rinse it through and replace. only after 4 re-uses do you get a new filter foam and you cut it in half and use one side of your old filter and one side new. this way you keep your bacteria until it establishes on the new bit.then you put the other new half in a week later. hope you follow me? you only need to take you decorations out of the way and push your gravel to one side then unscrew the whole tube and filter 9(they stay togeyher) and take out. it wont leak anywhere so dont worry. hope this helps? anything else im happy to help. good luck you.l love it once you get going! check ot the bits on cycling you tank :good:
hi there i have a 30ltr biorb been running 2 weeks now .had a few problems so far but ive learnt so much from this site and others. i found that the filter is easy to remove when the cycle is complete. you need to cycle the tank without fish but i didnt do this as i was told i could put fish in after 24hrs and they both died :angry: after talking on here i was given some great advice and have now finally got my tank nearly cycled. ive got 4 neon tetras in at the mo but cant add anymore for a few weeks as the filter needs to mature. regarding the filter the manufacturer says you have to replace it every 6 weeks. apparently this is rubbish as it would strip the tank of beneficial bacteria. ive been told to rinse it through and replace. only after 4 re-uses do you get a new filter foam and you cut it in half and use one side of your old filter and one side new. this way you keep your bacteria until it establishes on the new bit.then you put the other new half in a week later. hope you follow me? you only need to take you decorations out of the way and push your gravel to one side then unscrew the whole tube and filter 9(they stay togeyher) and take out. it wont leak anywhere so dont worry. hope this helps? anything else im happy to help. good luck you.l love it once you get going! check ot the bits on cycling you tank :good:

oh good tip on the half filter trick ! What fish died ? What was the cause, wrong levels ?

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