Biube 35Ltr Shrimp Tank - Plants?


Apistogramma Macmasteri
May 4, 2010
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Ok, wasn't sure if this was the right place to start this, but I would like advice on some live plants that would be suitable in this tank.

So this was the tank about 6 months ago, and how it looked up until recently


haha excuse the plant on top

So I decided to remove the bubble tube and filter, and substrate


Added sand and let it settle, also added small 25l filter


24hrs later, sand settled and water turnt clear


Got some bogwood from my bigger tank and added it


It didnt quite fit! so chopped a bit off


So this is where im at..


Current stocking is 2 cherries and 2 bumblebee gobies, I have 12 shrimp (RCS) arriving tomorrow, so will make 14. I am gonna intensly watch how the gobies get on with the shrimp, i want to give my colony a chance lol. As for them being brackish, these were sold as the freshwater tolerant species and I have had no problems so far...

I need some ideas on plants, one big background plant would be nice, the lighting is a LED system with sand substrate..

Please feel free to add comments and suggestions too!

Anyway will post some more pics tomorrow with the shrimp etc

Cheers, Kane
Species that would be ideal for this set up include:

Java fern, Anubias, Mosses, Crypts etc, anything tolerant of low light.
I agree, some moss would look nice on that bogwood.. the smaller varity of anubias and some java fern will look great :good:
Yeah moss sounds good on the bogwood, possibly the branch bit..

What about at the back?
Well the tanks small yet still quite tall for its width, but normal background plants will probably be a bit much. Some mid sized cryptocorynes might be worthwhile. Have a peep on :good:

a 90-180 degree moss wall might look good, the shrimp would enjoy it.
Well the tanks small yet still quite tall for its width, but normal background plants will probably be a bit much. Some mid sized cryptocorynes might be worthwhile. Have a peep on :good:

a 90-180 degree moss wall might look good, the shrimp would enjoy it.

Do you mean like creating a moss wall on the actual tank?
Yeah I had a look, it looks really nice in that tank, unfortunately im not quite sure how it would work in this tank. The curved wall and only covering half maybe difficult, also it might make the tank a bit dark, I think maybe some tall thin sort of plants. I had a look tropica, seems like the type of plants im lookin for might need a bit more than just LED.

Im tempted to chop part of the bogwood so as to move it further back into the tank, making some space for foreground plants?
It was just an idea :) If anything yes, it would be experimental but would be interesting!

You don't necessary need more light, just don't give the plants you have too much light without providing them with enough nutrients.

The hardscape is up to you, i think it looks good where it is at the moment but moving it back won't make it look bad
OK small update

I have added 12 small shrimp, will take some pics tomorrow, they're all hiding!

Also, have now moved the gobies to my big tank, they were not eating the shrimp but were pickin at them :angry:

Finally, I am on the lookout for a piece of bogwood to replace the current piece, its just too big. For the size of the tank its absorbing the light and is leaching a bit, I would like to get some root type piece of tall wood..

Will update over the weekend now as i will pay a visit to my LFS..
Looks a million times better than the original setup.
That's interesting that you don't need to add salt for the gobies!
With that wood, you can really build up height with anubias, java fern, and mosses. They don't need a lot of light to do well and I think the gobies and shrimp would appreciate the crevices in that wood for hiding. I personally think the wood looks pretty cool.

Yeah the gobies are great little fish, they are now in my Rio 180 as they picked at the shrimp. I was optimistic that they wouldnt lol

The bogwood has stayed although in my LFS they had great pieces of root for about £10, sized nicely for this tank, I will think about it.

I got some vallis for behind and added some cryptocoryne from from larger tank as I had two massive bunches. I also did a water change, the shrimp are everywhere now!

I will be getting some moss for the bogwood although this is something I haven't tried, anyone on here selling it???

Updated pic

thats begining to look very good! :good:
What you using for your heater and filter? I currently have a 30l biorb with a goldfish in and will be converting it once she dies and would love to do a sand substrate tropical in it.


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