Bitten by the cichlid bug


I'm trying really hard to act normal
Feb 28, 2003
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My krib was one of the first fish I put into my 65 gallon almost a year ago, and it's always been one of my favorites (eventhough she's always been a bit of a bully).

Now I've had my baby firemouth in the tank for a few weeks now, and am loving having her just as much. It's actually been the best thing to happen to this tank. I'm not sure what happened, but since the addition of the firemouth, my krib has had an attitude adjustment. I'm not sure if the firemouth harassed the krib, but the krib has not been her normal obnoxious self. Fish like my platies, that were often bossed by the krib, now are able to cruise around the tank with ease.

I was afraid the firemouth was harassing everyone, but (this might sound stupid) no one seems timid around the firemouth. And eventhough I can't watch them 24/7, all of the times I've watched her, the firemouth has never chased anyone.

Anyway, I am won over by this little firemouth. I would like some more choices (if any) of other cichlids that have a similar disposition of a firemouth. Like I said the tank is 65 gallons, and my pH is high (around 7.8). As far as a larger cichlid eating smaller fish (like my platies), I'm willing to relocate the smaller fish. Are there any smaller cichlids, besides the rams, dwarfs, kribs, that can be ok with community fish?
With the firemouth I wouldnt get any dwarf cichlid because it might end up harrassed or even killed by the firemouth. Myabe you should get a severum. Thye look cool and thye are a cichlid. They get up to 8 inches and are actually a community cichlid.
I agree with the sev its a good choice but 8" is abit small to most i have seen i would say the avg size is 10" (i just seen a 13" one on a vid!!!) you could also add a blue acara, jewel and any other cichlids you had in mind if your willing to re-locate the mollys/feeder fish :D .
As for the tank being peaceful i think i know wjat happend. I would say the krib went to upto the firemouth showing him who was boss but the FM wouldnt of showed the krib makeing it less agressive to tank mates i have seen this alot with cichlids, once the new tough guys enters the former tank king become a peacful whimp!
I've always loved jewels, but I was told they are extremely aggressive cichlids. How big do the jewels get?

This is also a really vague description, but one of my lfs has these cichlids that have orange fins, and a dull purple-ish gray body. They have been kept with various rainbowfish. Any idea what they would be?
fisrt thing thwat comes to mind is Mbuna Red Top or Green Terror.
as for the jewels they are peaceful but a VERY agressive when picked on but i have keept all thesefish in the same tank with no worrys, i think it should be fine.
dixaisy930 said:
I've always loved jewels, but I was told they are extremely aggressive cichlids. How big do the jewels get?

This is also a really vague description, but one of my lfs has these cichlids that have orange fins, and a dull purple-ish gray body. They have been kept with various rainbowfish. Any idea what they would be?
They get about 5", maybe a little bigger. These are the most aggressive cichlids I have ever kept :nod: They will defend their fry to the death (usually to the death of the attacker!)
When they weren't breeding, how was their behavior?
my jewels arent too too aggresive, but they are definatly mean, they try and bully my sev :( , but then the sev kicks his but!
I was looking in the lfs today, and righting down different names of cichlids I was interested in. Unfortunately, most of them turned out to be Africans. Although, I was gawking at the jewels, and a very pretty green severum. I also saw a tiny pink convict I just fell in love with, but from the sounds of it, a convict would not do well with my current fish.

I almost feel sorry for my krib. She stays in the pots and plants quite a bit now. But my honey gouramis finally got their color back (they had stress lines, and very dull in color, what I now assume, was from the krib chasing them).

I'm considering moving the krib in with the tetras in the 10 gallon. My concern is, if the firemouth doesn't have the krib to harass, will it just find someone else to pick on?
That bite can feel good .

single specimen jewel cichlids can be o.k. in a community of other cichlidssee mine here
The tank with the black gravel , all those fish live together , and some others as well.

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